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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, N and W

BECLOWNEDbeclowned v. Simple past tense and past participle of beclown.
BECLOWN v. to make ridiculous.
BEESWINGSbeeswings n. Plural of beeswing.
BEESWING n. a crust that forms on old wines.
BEWEEPINGbeweeping v. Present participle of beweep.
BEWEEP v. to weep over, lament.
BEWETTINGbewetting v. Present participle of bewet.
BEWET v. (Shakespeare) to make wet.
BINDWEEDSbindweeds n. Plural of bindweed.
BINDWEED n. any of various weeds that trail along the ground and twine themselves around other plants.
BYREWOMENBYREWOMAN n. a woman who tends cattle.
EMBOWMENTembowment n. (Architecture) A bent or curved section.
EMBOWMENT n. the act of embowing, bending.
EMBROWNEDembrowned adj. Made brown; browned.
embrowned adj. Made dark or dusky (“having a rather dark shade of colour”); darkened.
embrowned v. Simple past tense and past participle of embrown.
INTERWEBSinterwebs n. Plural of interweb.
INTERWEB n. a facetious name for the Internet, used to imply that the speaker has little understanding of or interest in the subject.
NEWSBEATSNEWSBEAT n. a news source that a reporter is assigned to cover.
NEWSBREAKnewsbreak n. An instance of news broadcasting.
NEWSBREAK n. a newsworthy event.
RENEWABLErenewable adj. Able to be renewed; capable of renewal.
renewable adj. (Of a resource) Sustainable; able to be regrown or renewed; having an ongoing or continuous source of…
renewable n. A thing that is renewable; especially, a renewable source of energy.
RENEWABLYrenewably adv. In a renewable manner.
RENEWABLE adv. capable of being renewed.
SCREWBEANscrewbean n. Prosopis pubescens, a flowering shrub or small tree in the pea family, native to the southwestern United…
screwbean n. The nutritious seedpod of this plant.
SCREWBEAN n. a leguminous shrub or small tree of the southwestern US.
WAMBENGERwambenger n. The pouched mouse (of genus Phascogale).
WAMBENGER n. (Native Australian) a small Australian marsupial, aka tuan or phascogale.
WANNABEESwannabees n. Plural of wannabee.
WANNABEE n. someone who tries to be associated with an admired person or set of people, also WANNABE.
WELLBEINGwellbeing n. Alternative spelling of well-being.
well-being n. A state of health, happiness or prosperity.
well␣being n. Alternative spelling of well-being.
WHALEBONEwhalebone n. The horny material from the fringed plates of the upper jaw of baleen whales that are used to filter…
WHALEBONE n. a light flexible substance consisting of the baleen plates of whales.
WINEBERRYwineberry n. (Obsolete, possibly poetic) The grape (fruit of plants of the genus Vitis).
wineberry n. The plant Rubus phoenicolasius, the Japanese wineberry.
wineberry n. Its edible fruit, resembling a raspberry.
WOEBEGONEwoebegone adj. In a deplorable state.
woebegone adj. Filled with or deeply affected by woe.
WOEBEGONE adj. sad, dejected, also WOBEGONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 135 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 311 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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