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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, L and X

ANNEXABLEannexable adj. Able to be annexed.
ANNEXABLE adj. that can be annexed.
BATTLEAXEbattleaxe n. Alternative spelling of battle axe.
battle-axe n. Alternative spelling of battle axe.
battle␣axe n. An ancient military weapon, an axe designed for combat, including (in heraldry) when borne on arms as…
CELECOXIBcelecoxib n. (Pharmacology) A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trademark Celebrex) used in the treatment of…
CELECOXIB n. a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
EXACTABLEexactable adj. Having the capability of being exacted.
EXACTABLE adj. that can be exacted.
EXCISABLEexcisable adj. Liable or subject to excise.
EXCISABLE adj. liable or subject to excise; as, tobacco in an excisable commodity.
EXCITABLEexcitable adj. Easily excited.
excitable adj. (Physics) Able to be promoted to an excited state.
EXCITABLE adj. able to be excited.
EXCUSABLEexcusable adj. Possible to excuse; worthy of being excused.
EXCUSABLE adj. that can be excused.
EXECRABLEexecrable adj. Of the poorest quality.
execrable adj. Hateful.
EXECRABLE adj. detestable, wretched.
EXECRABLYexecrably adv. In an execrable way.
EXECRABLE adv. detestable, wretched.
EXHALABLEexhalable adj. Capable of being exhaled or evaporated.
EXHALABLE adj. capable of being exhaled or evaporated.
EXPIRABLEexpirable adj. That may expire; capable of being brought to an end.
EXPIRABLE adj. that may expire or come to an end.
EXPONIBLEexponible adj. Able to be, or requiring to be, explained.
EXPONIBLE adj. capable of being explained.
EXPOSABLEexposable adj. Capable of being exposed.
EXPOSABLE adj. that can be exposed.
HELLBOXEShellboxes n. Plural of hellbox.
HELLBOX n. a printer's receptacle for broken type.
INDEXABLEindexable adj. That can be indexed.
INDEXABLE adj. that can be indexed.
LETTERBOXletterbox n. (Chiefly UK) A box into which mail is put.
letterbox n. A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp, found by following clues as a form of recreation.
letterbox n. (Mountaineering) A rectangular hole or slot.
RELAXABLErelaxable adj. Able to be relaxed; capable of being relaxed.
RELAXABLE adj. that can be relaxed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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