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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, D, L, R and W

AWARDABLEawardable adj. Capable of being awarded.
AWARDABLE adj. that can be awarded.
BECRAWLEDbecrawled v. Simple past tense and past participle of becrawl.
BECRAWL v. to creep over.
BEWILDERSbewilders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bewilder.
BEWILDER v. to confuse.
BLADEWORKbladework n. The skill of handling the blade of an oar in rowing.
BLADEWORK n. in rowing, management of the oars.
BLINDWORMblindworm n. Anguis fragilis (slowworm), a small species of legless lizard.
BLINDWORM n. a slowworm.
BLOODWORMbloodworm n. Alternative spelling of blood worm.
blood␣worm n. The larva of a chironomid midge in the (family Chironomidae).
blood␣worm n. Any polychete worm in the genus Glycera.
BLOODWORTbloodwort n. Any of various plants with red roots or leaves.
bloodwort n. Any of various plants used or formerly used to staunch bleeding.
BLOODWORT n. a plant with a red dye in the roots.
BLOWDARTSblowdarts n. Plural of blowdart.
BLOWDART n. a dart shot from a blowpipe.
BLOWHARDSblowhards n. Plural of blowhard.
blow-hards n. Plural of blow-hard.
BLOWHARD n. a boaster.
BOARDWALKboardwalk n. A slightly elevated path for pedestrians over sandy or swampy ground, typically made out of wood; specifically…
boardwalk v. To install a boardwalk over.
Boardwalk prop.n. A board game space and the most expensive real estate property in the predominant U.S. form of Monopoly.
BRIDEWELLbridewell n. (Dated in Britain, Ireland, rare elsewhere) A small prison, or a police station that has cells.
BRIDEWELL n. a house of correction, a jail.
BRIDLEWAYbridleway n. A path for riding a horse (which is controlled by a bridle).
bridleway n. (England) A right of way defined in law, over which the public have the right to travel on foot or on…
BRIDLEWAY n. a path on which horses may be ridden.
BULWARKEDbulwarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulwark.
BULWARK v. to fortify.
FLOWERBEDflowerbed n. A part of a garden or park where flowers are grown.
flower␣bed n. Alternative spelling of flowerbed.
FLOWERBED n. a bed containing flowers.
LOWBROWEDLOWBROWED adj. not intellectual.
SUBWORLDSsubworlds n. Plural of subworld.
SUBWORLD n. a subdivision of a sphere of interest.
SWORDBILLswordbill n. A hummingbird, Docimastes ensiferus, with a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird.
SWORDBILL n. a kind of South American hummingbird.
WALLBOARDwallboard n. A construction material of pre-made boards used for walls and ceilings, usually a gypsum core with a paper surface.
WALLBOARD n. building board, board for lining walls.
WARMBLOODwarmblood n. A horse of a middle-weight classification, between draught horses and thoroughbreds.
WARMBLOOD n. one of a race of horses developed from pedigree bloodlines from native American mares.
WORLDBEATworldbeat n. (Music) A music genre that blends Western pop music with traditional folk music or world music.
world␣beat n. Alternative form of worldbeat.
WORLDBEAT n. popular music from outside the western mainstream.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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