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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, D, H, M and R

BECHARMEDbecharmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of becharm.
BECHARM v. to enchant.
BIRTHDOMSbirthdoms n. Plural of birthdom.
BIRTHDOM n. (Shakespeare) birthright.
CHAMBEREDchambered adj. (Often in combination) Having chambers.
chambered v. Simple past tense and past participle of chamber.
CHAMBER v. to put in a room.
DITHYRAMBdithyramb n. A raucous and ardent choral hymn sung in ancient Athens in honor of the god Dionysus.
dithyramb n. A poem or oration in the same style.
dithyramb n. An impassioned speech, a rant.
HARDBEAMShardbeams n. Plural of hardbeam.
HARDBEAM n. a small hardwood tree of compact, horny texture, also HORNBEAM.
HOMEBIRDShomebirds n. Plural of homebird.
HOMEBIRD n. a person who is reluctant to leave their hometown or their childhood home.
HOMEBREDShomebreds n. Plural of homebred.
HOMEBRED n. a home-brewed beer.
HYBRIDISMhybridism n. The state of being hybrid.
hybridism n. The production of hybrids by cross-breeding.
hybridism n. (Linguistics) The formation of a hybrid, a word from elements of different languages.
HYBRIDOMAhybridoma n. (Immunology) A hybrid cell engineered from a lymphocyte and a tumour cell; used to generate monoclonal antibodies.
HYBRIDOMA n. a hybrid cell produced by the fusion of an antibody-producing lymphocyte with a tumor cell.
RHABDOMALrhabdomal adj. Relating to a rhabdom.
RHABDOMAL adj. of or like a rhabdom, a fourfold rod in the compound eye of an arthropod.
RHABDOMESrhabdomes n. Plural of rhabdome.
RHABDOME n. (Greek) a rodlike structure in the retinula, also RHABDOM.
RHOMBOIDSrhomboids n. Plural of rhomboid.
RHOMBOID n. a parallelogram with unequal sides, also RHOMBOIDES, RHOMBOIDEUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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