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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, C, I, P and R

BACKSPEIRBACKSPEIR v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEER.
BIOPIRACYbiopiracy n. (Derogatory) The appropriation of indigenous biomedical knowledge, especially by patenting naturally…
BIOPIRACY n. the use of wild plants by international corporations to develop drugs without recompensing the countries from which they are taken.
BISHOPRICbishopric n. A diocese or region of a church which a bishop governs.
bishopric n. The office or function of a bishop.
BISHOPRIC n. the diocese or jurisdiction of a bishop; the rank or office of a bishop.
CARBIDOPAcarbidopa n. (Pharmacology) A drug C10H14N2O4·H2O that inhibits decarboxylation of ʟ-dopa in tissues outside the…
CARBIDOPA n. a drug given to people with Parkinson's disease in order to inhibit peripheral metabolism of levodopa.
CHIPBOARDchipboard n. (Australia, UK) A building material made from wood chips compressed and bound with synthetic resin.
CHIPBOARD n. reconstructed wood made from compressed chippings.
CLIPBOARDclipboard n. A flat piece of rigid material, such as card or plastic, with a clip at one end under which papers can be held.
clipboard n. (Computing) A buffer in memory where the user can store data temporarily while transferring it from…
clip␣board n. Alternative form of clipboard.
HYPOBARIChypobaric adj. Of, relating to, or utilizing less than normal air pressure.
HYPOBARIC adj. below normal pressure.
PARABOLICparabolic adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid.
parabolic adj. (Rhetoric) Of or pertaining to a parable.
parabolic n. (Mathematics) A parabolic function, equation etc.
PREBIOTICprebiotic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A substance in food that is hard to digest and promotes the growth of beneficial…
prebiotic adj. Before the advent of life.
prebiotic adj. (Of a food) Not digestible, but beneficial.
PRESBYTICpresbytic adj. Presbyopic.
PRESBYTIC adj. relating to an old man.
PRESCRIBEprescribe v. (Medicine) To order (a drug or medical device) for use by a particular patient (under licensed authority).
prescribe v. To specify by writing as a required procedure or ritual; to lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction…
prescribe v. (Law) To develop or assert a right; to make a claim (by prescription).
PRICEABLEpriceable adj. Capable of being priced.
PRICEABLE adj. that can be priced.
PROBIOTICprobiotic n. (Bacteriology) A food or dietary supplement, such as a yogurt, containing live bacteria for therapeutic reasons.
probiotic adj. (Ecology) Of, or relating to probiosis; ecologic facilitation.
probiotic adj. Describing any dietary supplement that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes.
PROBOSCISproboscis n. (Anatomy) An elongated tube from the head or connected to the mouth, of an animal.
proboscis n. (Informal, mildly humorous) A large or lengthy human nose.
PROBOSCIS n. an elongated organ, usually associated with the mouth.
PROCAMBIAprocambia n. Plural of procambium.
PROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
PROSCRIBEproscribe v. (Transitive) To forbid or prohibit.
proscribe v. (Transitive) To denounce.
proscribe v. (Transitive) To banish or exclude.
PYROBORICpyroboric adj. Of or relating to pyroboric acid or its derivatives.
PYROBORIC adj. as in pyroboric acid.
REPUBLICSrepublics n. Plural of republic.
REPUBLIC n. a constitutional form of government.
SUBSCRIPTsubscript n. (Typography) A type of lettering form written lower than the things around it.
subscript n. (Programming) An index into an array or hash.
subscript v. (Mathematics, sciences, typography, transitive, of a variable) To provide with a subscript.
SUBTROPICsubtropic n. A subtropical region.
SUBTROPIC adj. relating to the area lying between the Tropic of Cancer and 40 degrees N, and the Tropic of Capricorn and 40 degrees south, also SUBTROPICAL.
SUBTROPIC n. a subtropical region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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