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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, C, 2I and P

BESPICINGbespicing v. Present participle of bespice.
BESPICE v. (Shakespeare) to season with spice.
BICIPITALbicipital adj. Of or pertaining to a biceps.
bicipital adj. (Of a muscle) Having two heads or points of origin.
BICIPITAL adj. having two heads or origins, as a muscle.
BICUSPIDSbicuspids n. Plural of bicuspid.
BICUSPID n. a tooth having two cusps, also BICUSPIDATE.
BIOPIRACYbiopiracy n. (Derogatory) The appropriation of indigenous biomedical knowledge, especially by patenting naturally…
BIOPIRACY n. the use of wild plants by international corporations to develop drugs without recompensing the countries from which they are taken.
BISHOPRICbishopric n. A diocese or region of a church which a bishop governs.
bishopric n. The office or function of a bishop.
BISHOPRIC n. the diocese or jurisdiction of a bishop; the rank or office of a bishop.
EPIBIOTICepibiotic adj. Living on the surface of another organism.
EPIBIOTIC adj. relating to epibiosis, a relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
PHLEBITICphlebitic adj. Of or pertaining to phlebitis.
PHLEBITIC adj. relating to phlebitis, inflammation of a vein.
PREBIOTICprebiotic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A substance in food that is hard to digest and promotes the growth of beneficial…
prebiotic adj. Before the advent of life.
prebiotic adj. (Of a food) Not digestible, but beneficial.
PROBIOTICprobiotic n. (Bacteriology) A food or dietary supplement, such as a yogurt, containing live bacteria for therapeutic reasons.
probiotic adj. (Ecology) Of, or relating to probiosis; ecologic facilitation.
probiotic adj. Describing any dietary supplement that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes.
PUBLICISEpublicise v. To make widely known to the public.
publicise v. To advertise, create publicity for.
PUBLICISE v. to make public, also PUBLICIZE.
PUBLICISTpublicist n. A person whose job is to publicize information or events; a publicity agent; a public relations agent or worker.
publicist n. A journalist, often a commentator, who focusses on politics.
publicist n. (Now rare and archaic) A scholar, of public or international law.
PUBLICITYpublicity n. Advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something.
publicity n. Public interest attracted in this way.
publicity n. The condition of being the object of public attention.
PUBLICIZEpublicize v. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of publicise.
PUBLICIZE v. to make public, also PUBLICISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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