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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, C and 3I

BAILIWICKbailiwick n. The district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction.
bailiwick n. A person’s concern or sphere of operations, their area of skill or authority.
BAILIWICK n. the region in which a sheriff (bailie) has legal powers.
BIBLICISMbiblicism n. Learning or literature relating to the Bible.
biblicism n. A term derived from the Bible.
BIBLICISM n. learning or literature relating to the Bible.
BIBLICISTbiblicist adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of biblicism.
biblicist n. A Biblical scholar or expert (Bible scholar or expert).
biblicist n. One who interprets the Bible literally.
BIBLIOTICbibliotic adj. Of or pertaining to bibliotics.
BIBLIOTIC adj. relating to bibliotics, the study of documents to determine authenticity.
BICIPITALbicipital adj. Of or pertaining to a biceps.
bicipital adj. (Of a muscle) Having two heads or points of origin.
BICIPITAL adj. having two heads or origins, as a muscle.
EBIONITICEbionitic adj. Relating to the Ebionites.
EBIONITIC adj. relating to ebionism, an early Christian sect which honoured Mosaic law.
EPIBIOTICepibiotic adj. Living on the surface of another organism.
EPIBIOTIC adj. relating to epibiosis, a relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
IMBECILICimbecilic adj. Like or as an imbecile; so senseless as to be laughable; absurd, foolish, stupid, idiotic.
IMBECILIC adj. like an imbecile.
SHIBUICHIshibuichi n. A Japanese silver-copper alloy that can be patinated into a range of muted shades of blue or green through…
SHIBUICHI n. (Japanese) an alloy of three parts copper to one part silver, used in Japanese decorative art to give a silver-grey patina.
TUBIFICIDtubificid n. (Zoology) Any worm in the order Tubificida, suborder Tubificina, or family Tubificidae, variously constituted.
TUBIFICID n. a tubifex, a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.
VIBRIONICvibrionic adj. Relating to vibrions.
VIBRIONIC adj. of or like a vibrio, a genus of motile bacteria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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