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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, C, G, L and S

BECUDGELSbecudgels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of becudgel.
BECUDGEL v. to beat with a club.
BELGICISMbelgicism n. (Politics) the political ideology which supports the political and economic union of Belgium; Belgian nationalism.
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a Dutch word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the Dutch…
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a French word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the French…
BIOLOGICSbiologics n. Plural of biologic.
BIOLOGIC n. a biological product used in medicine.
BLACKGUMSblackgums n. Plural of blackgum.
black␣gums n. Plural of black gum.
BLACKGUM n. a kind of dogwood, aka black tupelo.
BLACKINGSblackings n. Plural of blacking.
BLACKING n. a black shoe polish.
BLACKLEGSblacklegs n. Plural of blackleg.
blacklegs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blackleg.
BLACKLEG v. to work even though a strike has been declared.
BLOCKAGESblockages n. Plural of blockage.
BLOCKAGE n. the act of blocking.
BLOCKINGSblockings n. Plural of blocking.
BLOCKING n. an interruption to thought.
BUCKLINGSbucklings n. Plural of buckling.
BUCKLING n. a smoked Baltic herring.
CALABOGUSCALABOGUS n. (Canadian) a Canadian drink of rum, spruce beer and molasses.
CLIMBINGSclimbings n. Plural of climbing.
CLIMBING n. the act of climbing.
CLUBBINGSclubbings n. Plural of clubbing.
CLUBBING n. visiting nightclubs.
COBBLINGScobblings n. Plural of cobbling.
COBBLING n. mending shoes.
CONGLOBESconglobes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conglobe.
CONGLOBE v. to become a globule.
CYMBLINGScymblings n. Plural of cymbling.
CYMBLING n. a variety of squash, also CYMLIN, CYMLING, SIMLIN.
SCABBLINGscabbling n. Pieces of stone remaining from the process of reducing a stone to a rough square by the axe or hammer.
scabbling v. Present participle of scabble.
SCABBLE v. to shape roughly, also SCAPPLE.
SCAMBLINGscambling v. Present participle of scamble.
scambling n. (Obsolete) A hasty meal.
SCAMBLING n. a haphazard meal.
SCHOOLBAGschoolbag n. A satchel used to carry supplies for school; a bookbag.
SCHOOLBAG n. a bag for carrying school books.
SCUMBLINGscumbling v. Present participle of scumble.
scumbling n. An application of scumbling; an opaque glaze.
SCUMBLING n. the act of scumbling.
SLINGBACKslingback n. A type of women’s shoe having a strap behind the heel or ankle.
SLINGBACK n. a shoe without a covering for the heel, supported by a strap round the heel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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