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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, C, E, J and T

ABJECTINGabjecting v. Present participle of abject.
ABJECT v. to throw out, cast away.
ABJECTIONabjection n. A low or downcast condition; meanness of spirit; abasement; degradation.
abjection n. (Obsolete, chiefly figuratively) Something cast off; garbage.
abjection n. (Obsolete) The act of bringing down or humbling; casting down.
BIJECTIONbijection n. (Set theory) A one-to-one correspondence, a function which is both a surjection and an injection.
BIJECTION n. in maths, a kind of mapping function.
BIJECTIVEbijective adj. (Mathematics, of a map) Both injective and surjective.
bijective adj. (Mathematics) Having a component that is (specified to be) a bijective map; that specifies a bijective map.
BIJECTIVE adj. having the properties of a bijection, a kind of mapping function.
EJECTABLEejectable adj. Able to be ejected.
ejectable n. (Aerospace) Any object that is ejected by a satellite while it is in space.
EJECTABLE adj. able to be ejected.
JOBCENTREjobcentre n. Alternative spelling of Jobcentre.
Jobcentre n. (Britain) A government-funded agency that helps the unemployed to find work.
job␣centre n. Britain standard spelling of job center.
OBJECTIFYobjectify v. To make (something, such as an abstract idea) possible to be perceived by the senses.
objectify v. To treat (something) as objectively real.
objectify v. To treat (someone) as a mere object, denying (their) dignity.
OBJECTINGobjecting v. Present participle of object.
OBJECT v. to argue in opposition.
OBJECTIONobjection n. The act of objecting.
objection n. A statement expressing opposition, or a reason or cause for expressing opposition (generally followed…
objection n. (Law) An official protest raised in a court of law during a legal trial over a violation of the rules…
OBJECTIVEobjective adj. Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality.
objective adj. Not influenced by the emotions or prejudices.
objective adj. Based on observed facts; without subjective assessment.
OBJECTORSobjectors n. Plural of objector.
OBJECTOR n. one that objects.
REOBJECTSREOBJECT v. to object again.
RESUBJECTresubject v. (Transitive) To subject again.
RESUBJECT v. to subject again.
SUBJACENTsubjacent adj. Lying beneath or at a lower level; underlying.
SUBJACENT adj. lying under or below something.
SUBJECTEDsubjected v. Simple past tense and past participle of subject.
SUBJECT v. to cause to experience.
UNSUBJECTunsubject adj. Not subject to something.
UNSUBJECT v. to remove from subjugation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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