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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, 2C, S and U

ACCUSABLEaccusable adj. Liable to be accused or censured; chargeable with a crime or breach; blamable.
ACCUSABLE adj. liable to be accused; chargeable with a crime or fault.
ACCUSABLYaccusably adv. In an accusable manner, in a manner chargeable with crime or fault.
ACCUSABLE adv. liable to be accused; chargeable with a crime or fault.
CHUBASCOSchubascos n. Plural of chubasco.
CHUBASCO n. a violent thunderstorm.
CLUBFACESclubfaces n. Plural of clubface.
CLUBFACE n. the striking surface of a clubhead.
CROSSBUCKcrossbuck n. A sign consisting of two slats on a pole forming a diagonal cross, usually indicating a level crossing.
CROSSBUCK n. (US) a cross-shaped sign placed at a level crossing to warn motorists.
CRUCIBLEScrucibles n. Plural of crucible.
CRUCIBLE n. a heat-resistant vessel.
CUCUMBERScucumbers n. Plural of cucumber.
CUCUMBER n. a garden vegetable, used as a salad vegetable and pickle.
CUCURBITScucurbits n. Plural of cucurbit.
CUCURBIT n. a chemical vessel used in a still or alembic.
CUTBLOCKSCUTBLOCK n. a limited area authorised for logging.
SCORBUTICscorbutic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from scurvy.
SCORBUTIC adj. pertaining to or afflicted with scurvy.
SUBARCTICsubarctic prop.n. (Geography) The region immediately outside of the Arctic Circle or regions similar to these in climate…
subarctic adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the subarctic.
subarctic n. A subarctic region.
SUCCUBINEsuccubine adj. Having the traits of a succubus.
SUCCUBINE adj. of or pertaining to succubi.
SUCCUBOUSsuccubous adj. (Botany) Describing an arrangement of leaves such that proximal (posterior) parts of older leaves overlap…
SUCCUBOUS adj. having the lower leaf-margin overlapping the leaf below, as in some mosses.
SUCCUMBEDsuccumbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of succumb.
SUCCUMB v. to yield to superior force.
SUCCUMBERsuccumber n. One who succumbs.
SUCCUMBER n. one who succumbs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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