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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, 2C and 2I

BICENTRICbicentric adj. (Not comparable) Having two centres.
bicentric adj. (Comparable, LGBT) Having a bisexual bias or basis.
BICENTRIC adj. having two centres.
BICYCLINGbicycling v. Present participle of bicycle.
bicycling n. The act of riding a bicycle.
BICYCLE v. to ride a two-wheeled vehicle.
BICYCLISTbicyclist n. Rare form of cyclist.
BICYCLIST n. one who rides a bicycle.
BIOCHEMICBIOCHEMIC adj. relating to the chemistry of living things, also BIOCHEMICAL.
BOCONCINIboconcini n. Alternative spelling of bocconcini.
BOCONCINI n. (Italian) small pieces of mozzarella cheese, also BOCCONCINI.
CELIBATICCELIBATIC adj. living without a sexual partner, also CELIBATE.
CENOBITICcenobitic adj. Of or pertaining to a cenobite.
CENOBITIC adj. of or like a cenobite, also CENOBITICAL, COENOBITIC.
CICISBEOScicisbeos n. Plural of cicisbeo.
CICISBEO n. (Italian) a lover of a married woman.
CLICKBAITclickbait n. (Internet marketing, derogatory) Website content that is aimed at generating advertising revenue, especially…
clickbait v. To add clickbait to a web page; to direct clickbait at someone.
click-bait n. Alternative form of clickbait.
COULIBIACcoulibiac n. A loaf of fish, meat, or vegetables baked in a pastry shell.
COULIBIAC n. (Russian) a Russian fish pie, also COULIBIACA, KOULIBIACA.
IMBECILICimbecilic adj. Like or as an imbecile; so senseless as to be laughable; absurd, foolish, stupid, idiotic.
IMBECILIC adj. like an imbecile.
LIBECCHIOlibecchio n. A southwest wind.
LIBECCHIO n. (Milton) a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast, also LIBECCIO.
LIBECCIOSlibeccios n. Plural of libeccio.
LIBECCIO n. (Italian) a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast, also LIBECCHIO.
SCABIETICscabietic adj. Of or relating to scabies.
SCABIETIC adj. relating to scabies, a contagious skin infection caused by an itch mite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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