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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2B, 2R and U

BARBAROUSbarbarous adj. (Said of language) Not classical or pure.
barbarous adj. Uncivilized, uncultured.
barbarous adj. Mercilessly or impudently violent or cruel, savage.
BARBECUERbarbecuer n. One who (or a device which) barbecues.
BARBECUER n. one who barbecues.
BLUBBERERblubberer n. Someone who blubbers.
BLUBBERER n. one who blubbers.
BLUEBERRYblueberry n. (Countable) An edible round berry, belonging to the cowberry group (Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus), with…
blueberry n. (Countable) The shrub of the above-mentioned berry.
blueberry n. (Countable and uncountable) A dark blue colour.
BULLBRIERBULLBRIER n. a prickly American vine.
BUTTERBURbutterbur n. Any of several Eurasian herbs, of the genus Petasites, having dense clusters of often purple flowers.
BUTTERBUR n. a plant of damp places with very broad leaves.
NONRUBBERnonrubber adj. Not made from rubber.
NONRUBBER adj. not made of rubber.
RHUBARBEDrhubarbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rhubarb.
RHUBARB v. to simulate conversation e.g. on stage.
RUBBERIERrubberier adj. Comparative form of rubbery: more rubbery.
RUBBERY adj. resembling an elastic substance.
RUBBERINGrubbering v. Present participle of rubber.
rubbering n. Rubbernecking.
rubbering n. Eavesdropping on a telephone conversation.
RUBBERISErubberise v. Alternative spelling of rubberize.
RUBBERISE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERIZE.
RUBBERIZErubberize v. (Transitive) To coat with rubber or a similar material.
RUBBERIZE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERISE.
RUBBOARDSrubboards n. Plural of rubboard.
rub-boards n. Plural of rub-board.
rub␣boards n. Plural of rub board.
SCRUBBERSscrubbers n. Plural of scrubber.
SCRUBBER n. an apparatus for removing impurities from gas or vapour.
SCRUBBIERscrubbier adj. Comparative form of scrubby: more scrubby.
SCRUBBY adj. inferior in size or quality.
SHRUBBERYshrubbery n. A planting of shrubs; a wide border to a garden where shrubs are thickly planted; or a similar larger…
shrubbery n. Shrubs collectively.
SHRUBBERY n. a collection of shrubs.
SHRUBBIERshrubbier adj. Comparative form of shrubby: more shrubby.
SHRUBBY adj. covered with shrubs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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