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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2B, L, M and S

BABELDOMSbabeldoms n. Plural of babeldom.
Babeldoms n. Plural of Babeldom.
BABELDOM n. a confused sound of voices.
BABELISMSBABELISM n. a state of confused sound.
BEJUMBLESbejumbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bejumble.
BEJUMBLE v. to mix confusedly.
BIBLICISMbiblicism n. Learning or literature relating to the Bible.
biblicism n. A term derived from the Bible.
BIBLICISM n. learning or literature relating to the Bible.
BLIMBINGSblimbings n. Plural of blimbing.
BLIMBING n. (Malay) an East Indian tree of the wood-sorrel family; its sour green fruit, used in chutneys, also BILIMBI, BILIMBING.
BOMBLOADSbombloads n. Plural of bombload.
BOMBLOAD n. as many bombs as a plane may carry.
BOMBSHELLbombshell n. A bomb or artillery shell designed to explode on impact.
bombshell n. (Figurative) Something that is very surprising, shocking, amazing or sensational.
bombshell n. (By extension) Someone who is very attractive; a sex symbol.
BUMBLINGSbumblings n. Plural of bumbling.
BUMBLING n. an instance of clumsiness.
CABBALISMcabbalism n. Alternative spelling of cabalism.
CLUBBISMSCLUBBISM n. the club system.
DUMBBELLSdumbbells n. Plural of dumbbell.
dumb-bells n. Plural of dumb-bell.
DUMBBELL n. a weight lifted in feats of strength.
KABBALISMkabbalism n. The study of the Kabbalah.
KABBALISM n. the secret science of the cabalists, also CABALISM, CABBALISM, KABALISM, QABALISM.
LOBBYISMSlobbyisms n. Plural of lobbyism.
LOBBYISM n. the practice of lobbying.
MOBBISHLYMOBBISH adv. in the way of a mob.
SEMBLABLEsemblable adj. (Obsolete) similar.
semblable adj. (Obsolete) apparent.
semblable adj. (Obsolete) conformable.
SEMBLABLYsemblably adv. (Obsolete) In a similar way; similarly.
semblably adv. (Rare) Seemingly, apparently.
SEMBLABLE adv. (obsolete) similar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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