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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2B, 2I and U

BIBACIOUSbibacious adj. Addicted to drinking alcohol.
BIBACIOUS adj. overly fond of drinking.
BILIRUBINbilirubin n. (Biochemistry) A bile pigment that is a product of the breakdown of the heme portion of hemoglobin (which…
BILIRUBIN n. a reddish yellow pigment present in bile.
DIBBUKKIMDIBBUK n. (Yiddish) a wandering soul in Jewish folklore, also DYBBUK.
DUBBININGdubbining v. Present participle of dubbin.
DUBBIN v. to apply a preparation of grease to leather.
KIBBUTZIMkibbutzim n. Plural of kibbutz.
KIBBUTZ n. (Hebrew) a collective farm in Israel.
QUIBBLINGquibbling v. Present participle of quibble.
quibbling n. Petty argument.
QUIBBLING adj. arguing over trivialities.
RUBBIDIESRUBBIDY n. (Australian slang) a pub (rhyming slang rubbidy dub), also RUBBITY.
RUBBITIESRUBBITY n. (Australian slang) a pub (rhyming slang rubbity dub), also RUBBIDY.
SILLIBUBSsillibubs n. (Obsolete) plural of sillibub (alternative form of syllabubs).
SILLIBUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLABUB, SYLLABUB.
SQUIBBINGsquibbing v. Present participle of squib.
squibbing n. (Dated) A squib; a sarcastic jibe or petty dispute.
squibbing n. A small shot or explosion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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