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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2B, 2I and L

BALLABILIballabili n. Plural of ballabile.
BALLABILE n. (Italian) a part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet.
BIBLICISMbiblicism n. Learning or literature relating to the Bible.
biblicism n. A term derived from the Bible.
BIBLICISM n. learning or literature relating to the Bible.
BIBLICISTbiblicist adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of biblicism.
biblicist n. A Biblical scholar or expert (Bible scholar or expert).
biblicist n. One who interprets the Bible literally.
BIBLIOTICbibliotic adj. Of or pertaining to bibliotics.
BIBLIOTIC adj. relating to bibliotics, the study of documents to determine authenticity.
BILABIALSbilabials n. Plural of bilabial.
BILABIAL n. a sound produced by both lips, for example p, b, m.
BILABIATEbilabiate adj. (Botany) Having two lips; two-lipped.
BILABIATE adj. having two lips, as the corollas of certain flowers.
BILIMBINGbilimbing n. Alternative form of bilimbi.
BILIMBING n. (Malay) an East Indian tree of the wood-sorrel family; its sour green fruit, used in chutneys, also BILIMBI, BLIMBING.
BILIRUBINbilirubin n. (Biochemistry) A bile pigment that is a product of the breakdown of the heme portion of hemoglobin (which…
BILIRUBIN n. a reddish yellow pigment present in bile.
BLIMBINGSblimbings n. Plural of blimbing.
BLIMBING n. (Malay) an East Indian tree of the wood-sorrel family; its sour green fruit, used in chutneys, also BILIMBI, BILIMBING.
CRIBBLINGcribbling v. Present participle of cribble.
CRIBBLE v. to decorate wood or metal with small dots or punctures.
DRIBBLIERdribblier adj. Comparative form of dribbly: more dribbly.
DRIBBLY adj. given to dribbling.
DRIBBLINGdribbling v. Present participle of dribble.
dribbling n. An amount of liquid that is dribbled.
DRIBBLING n. the act of propelling a football with repeated small taps.
FRIBBLINGfribbling v. Present participle of fribble.
FRIBBLE v. to be frivolous, trifle.
FRIBBLISHfribblish adj. Frivolous; trifling.
FRIBBLISH adj. (obsolete) trifling.
NIBBLINGSnibblings n. Plural of nibbling.
NIBBLING n. the act of biting gently.
OBBLIGATIobbligati n. Plural of obbligato.
OBBLIGATO n. (Italian) a musical accompaniment of independent importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece, also OBLIGATO.
QUIBBLINGquibbling v. Present participle of quibble.
quibbling n. Petty argument.
QUIBBLING adj. arguing over trivialities.
SILLIBUBSsillibubs n. (Obsolete) plural of sillibub (alternative form of syllabubs).
SILLIBUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLABUB, SYLLABUB.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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