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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2B, G, L and R

ABROGABLEabrogable adj. Capable of being abrogated.
ABROGABLE adj. that can be abrogated.
BEGLERBEGbeglerbeg n. Alternative form of beylerbey.
BEGLERBEG n. (Turkish) the governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier.
BRABBLINGbrabbling v. Present participle of brabble.
BRABBLE v. to squabble.
BRAMBLINGbrambling n. A finch, Fringilla montifringilla of northern Eurasia, the male having a black head in summer and an…
brambling v. Present participle of bramble.
BRAMBLING n. a bird of the finch family.
BRIDGABLEbridgable adj. Alternative form of bridgeable.
BRIDGABLE adj. that can be bridged, also BRIDGEABLE.
BURBLINGSburblings n. Plural of burbling.
BURBLING n. talking incoherently.
CRIBBLINGcribbling v. Present participle of cribble.
CRIBBLE v. to decorate wood or metal with small dots or punctures.
DRABBLINGdrabbling v. Present participle of drabble.
DRABBLING n. a manner of fishing for barbels with a rod and long line passed through a piece of lead.
DRIBBLINGdribbling v. Present participle of dribble.
dribbling n. An amount of liquid that is dribbled.
DRIBBLING n. the act of propelling a football with repeated small taps.
FRIBBLINGfribbling v. Present participle of fribble.
FRIBBLE v. to be frivolous, trifle.
GRABBABLEgrabbable adj. Able to be grabbed.
GRABBABLE adj. that can be grabbed.
GRABBLERSgrabblers n. Plural of grabbler.
GRABBLER n. one who grabbles, gropes.
GRABBLINGgrabbling v. Present participle of grabble.
GRABBLE v. to grope, also GRUBBLE.
GRUBBLINGgrubbling v. Present participle of grubble.
GRUBBLE v. to grope, also GRABBLE.
RABBLINGSrabblings n. Plural of rabbling.
RABBLING n. (Scots) the mobbing and ousting of the Episcopal 'curates' at the Revolution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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