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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, N, S and 2T

BATTINGSbattings n. Plural of batting.
BATTING n. cotton-wool prepared in sheets for quilting, also BATT.
BENTIESTBENTY adj. like wiry grass.
BETTINGSbettings n. Plural of betting.
BETTING n. the act of placing a bet.
BETTONGSbettongs n. Plural of bettong.
BETTONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian rat kangaroo.
BITTERNSbitterns n. Plural of bittern.
BITTERN n. a wading bird, also BITTOR, BITTOUR, BITTUR.
BITTINGSbittings n. Plural of bitting.
Bittings prop.n. Plural of Bitting.
BITTING n. an indentation of a key.
BLUNTESTbluntest adj. Superlative form of blunt: most blunt.
BLUNT adj. not sharp or pointed.
BOTANISTbotanist n. (Botany) A person engaged in botany, the scientific study of plants.
BOTANIST n. one skilled in botany.
BOTTINESbottines n. Plural of bottine.
BOTTINE n. (French) a small boot; a surgical boot for correcting deformity.
BRENTESTBRENT adj. (Scots) lofty, steep.
BUNTIESTBUNTY adj. having bunt, a disease of wheat.
BUTMENTSbutments n. Plural of butment.
BUTMENT n. the base of an architectural arch.
STIBNITEstibnite n. A grey mineral, Sb2S3, that is the main ore of antimony; used in ancient times as the cosmetic kohl.
STIBNITE n. an ore of antimony.
TABINETStabinets n. Plural of tabinet.
TABINET n. a delicate material, also TABBINET.
TURBANTSturbants n. Plural of turbant.
TURBANT n. (Milton) a turban.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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