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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, L, O, R and V

ABSOLVERabsolver n. Agent noun of absolve; one who absolves.
ABSOLVER n. one who absolves.
BIOVULARbiovular adj. (Of twins) derived from two separate ova; non-identical or fraternal.
BIOVULAR adj. derived from two ova.
BOILOVERboilover n. A hazardous situation where an attempt is made to extinguish semi-enclosed oil- or petrochemical-fuelled…
boil␣over v. (Intransitive) To boil to such an extent as to overflow its container.
boil␣over v. (Idiomatic, of anger, etc.) To reach the point where aggressive action is taken.
BOLIVARSbolivars n. Plural of bolivar.
bolívars n. Plural of bolívar.
BOLIVAR n. (Spanish) the monetary unit of Venezuela.
LOVEBIRDlovebird n. Any small parrot from one of the nine species within the genus Agapornis. Sometimes they are kept as…
lovebird n. (Figurative, usually in the plural) One of the members of an openly affectionate couple.
lovebird v. (Intransitive) To express romantic affection openly.
OVERABLEOVERABLE adj. excessively able.
OVERBILLoverbill v. (Transitive) To bill an excessive amount, particularly an amount greater than one is legally entitled to.
OVERBILL v. to bill too much.
OVERBLEWoverblew v. Simple past tense of overblow.
OVERBLOW v. to give excess importance to.
OVERBLOWoverblow v. (Transitive) To cover with blossoms or flowers.
overblow v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To blow over; pass over; pass away.
overblow v. (Intransitive) To blow hard or with much violence.
OVERBOILoverboil v. (Transitive, intransitive) To boil excessively.
OVERBOIL v. to boil too long.
OVERBOLDoverbold adj. Too bold; impertinent or overreaching.
OVERBOLD adj. excessively bold.
OVERBULKoverbulk v. To oppress by bulk; to tower over.
OVERBULK v. (Shakespeare) to oppress by bulk.
OVERCLUBoverclub v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To take (a shot) with a golf club that provides too much distance.
OVERCLUB v. to hit a shot too far through using a club with insufficient loft.
PROVABLEprovable adj. Of a statement or hypothesis that can be proven.
PROVABLE adj. that can be proved, also PROVEABLE.
PROVABLYprovably adv. With proof; in a provable manner.
PROVABLE adv. that can be proved, also PROVEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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