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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing B, L, N and 2U

ALBURNUMalburnum n. Sapwood; the soft, newer wood in the trunk of a tree found between the bark and the hardened heartwood.
ALBURNUM n. the soft wood between inner bark and heartwood.
BULNBULNBULNBULN n. (Native Australian) the lyrebird.
BUSULFANbusulfan n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
BUSULFAN n. a drug used to treat leukaemia.
CUNABULAcunabula n. The earliest abode; original dwelling place; originals.
cunabula n. The extant copies of the first or earliest printed books, or of such as were printed in the 15th century.
CUNABULA n. (Latin) the extant copies of the first printed books.
LABURNUMlaburnum n. Any tree of genus Laburnum. They have bright yellow flowers and are poisonous.
Laburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – laburnums, the golden chains.
LABURNUM n. a genus of ornamental shrubs.
NEBULIUMnebulium n. (Astronomy, physics, obsolete) A supposed chemical element proposed as a result of spectral analysis…
NEBULIUM n. an element formerly assumed to explain certain lines in the spectra of gaseous nebulae, now known to be due to states of oxygen and nitrogen not possible under earthly conditions.
NEBULOUSnebulous adj. In the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
nebulous adj. Vague or ill-defined.
nebulous adj. Relating to a nebula or nebulae.
NUBECULAnubecula n. (Astronomy) A nebula; specifically, the Magellanic Clouds.
nubecula n. (Medicine) A slight spot on the cornea.
nubecula n. (Medicine) A cloudy object or appearance in urine.
NUBILOUSnubilous adj. Cloudy, misty.
nubilous adj. (Figurative) Unclear.
NUBILOUS adj. cloudy; vague, also NUBILOSE.
SUBLUNARsublunar adj. Situated beneath the Moon.
sublunar adj. Of this world; earthly.
SUBLUNAR adj. under the moon, terrestrial, also SUBLUNARY.
TUBULINStubulins n. Plural of tubulin.
TUBULIN n. a globular protein.
UNBUCKLEunbuckle v. (Transitive) to unfasten (the buckle of (a belt, shoe, etc)).
UNBUCKLE v. to undo a buckle.
UNBUILDSunbuilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbuild.
UNBUILD v. to demolish; to raze.
UNBUNDLEunbundle v. To separate parts which have been bundled together.
unbundle v. (Business) To break down a product or service into a number of separate elements that can be charged for individually.
UNBUNDLE v. to price separately.
UNDOUBLEundouble v. (Transitive) To undo the doubling of; to unfold, or render single again.
UNDOUBLE v. to change from a state of being doubled.
UNPLUMBSunplumbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unplumb.
UNPLUMB v. to remove lead from.
UNSUBTLEunsubtle adj. Not subtle; obvious.
UNSUBTLE adj. not subtle.
UNSUBTLYunsubtly adv. In an unsubtle manner.
UNSUBTLE adv. not subtle.
UNUSABLEunusable adj. Not usable.
unusable n. Something that is not fit for use.
UNUSABLE adj. not usable.
UNUSABLYunusably adv. In an unusable manner.
UNUSABLE adv. not usable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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