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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing B, L, 2N and U

BIANNUALbiannual adj. Occurring twice a year; semiannual.
biannual adj. (Proscribed) Occurring once every two years; biennial.
biannual n. Something occurring twice each year.
BLUNGINGblunging v. Present participle of blunge.
BLUNGE v. to mix clay with water.
BLUNKINGblunking v. Present participle of blunk.
BLUNK v. (Scots) to spoil, bungle.
BLUNTINGblunting v. Present participle of blunt.
blunting n. The process by which something is made blunt.
BLUNT v. to make blunt.
BULNBULNBULNBULN n. (Native Australian) the lyrebird.
BUNDLINGbundling v. Present participle of bundle.
bundling n. (Countable, uncountable) Arrangement in a bundle or collection.
bundling n. (Uncountable, historical) An old custom in Wales, New England, and elsewhere for sweethearts to sleep…
BUNGLINGbungling adj. Incompetent or inept.
bungling n. An act of incompetence or ineptitude.
bungling v. Present participle of bungle.
BUNTLINEbuntline n. A type of revolver with an exceptionally long barrel.
buntline n. (Nautical) Any, except the outermost, of the ropes extending down to the deck with which a square sail…
BUNTLINE n. a rope attached to the middle of a square sail to haul it up to the yard.
NUBBLINGnubbling v. Present participle of nubble.
NUBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE, KNOBBLE.
RUNNABLErunnable adj. (Computing) Capable of being run.
runnable adj. (Of a watercourse) That can be navigated by boat.
RUNNABLE adj. fit for hunting.
SUNBLINDsunblind n. A blind used to protect against the sun.
sun␣blind n. Alternative spelling of sunblind.
SUNBLIND n. a blind to keep out the sun.
UNBALINGunbaling v. Present participle of unbale.
UNBALE v. to loosen from a compressed bundle.
UNBLINDSunblinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unblind.
UNBLIND v. to free from blindness.
UNBUNDLEunbundle v. To separate parts which have been bundled together.
unbundle v. (Business) To break down a product or service into a number of separate elements that can be charged for individually.
UNBUNDLE v. to price separately.
UNNOBLEDunnobled adj. (Obsolete) Not ennobled.
UNNOBLE v. to deprive of nobility.
UNNOBLESUNNOBLE v. to deprive of nobility.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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