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There are 19 eight-letter words containing B, L, M, N and O

ABNORMALabnormal adj. Not conforming to rule or system; deviating from the usual or normal type.
abnormal adj. Of or pertaining to that which is irregular, in particular, behaviour that deviates from norms of social…
abnormal n. A person or object that is not normal.
BENOMYLSBENOMYL n. a pesticide and fungicide.
BINOMIALbinomial adj. Consisting of two terms, or parts.
binomial adj. (Statistics) Of or relating to the binomial distribution.
binomial n. (Algebra) A polynomial with two terms.
BLOOMINGblooming v. Present participle of bloom.
blooming adj. Opening in blossoms; flowering.
blooming adj. Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
BONEMEALbonemeal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone-meal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone␣meal n. Ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer, especially for bulbs.
BROMELINbromelin n. Alternative form of bromelein.
bromelin n. Alternative form of bromalin.
BROMELIN n. an enzyme obtained from the juice of the pineapple plant, used medically and in skincare products, also BROMELAIN.
EMBLAZONemblazon v. (Transitive) To adorn with prominent markings.
emblazon v. (Transitive) To inscribe upon.
emblazon v. (Transitive, heraldry) To draw (a coat of arms).
EMBOLDENembolden v. (Transitive) To render (someone) bolder or more courageous.
embolden v. (Transitive) To encourage, inspire, or motivate.
embolden v. (Transitive, typography) To format text in boldface.
IMBOLDENimbolden v. Archaic form of embolden.
IMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also EMBOLDEN.
JAMBOLANjambolan n. Synonym of jambul.
JAMBOLAN n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLANA, JAMBOOL, JAMBU, JAMBUL.
LIMBOINGlimboing v. Present participle of limbo.
LIMBO v. to perform a kind of West Indian dance.
MOBBLINGMOBBLE v. (obsolete) to muffle, also MOBLE.
MONOBLOCmonobloc n. A forging or casting made in a single piece, rather than being fabricated from components.
MONOBLOC adj. made from a single piece of material.
NELUMBOSnelumbos n. Plural of nelumbo.
NELUMBO n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBIUM.
NOBELIUMnobelium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol No) with an atomic number of 102.
NOBELIUM n. a name given to transuranic element 102.
NOBLEMANnobleman n. A peer; an aristocrat; ranks range from baron to king to emperor.
NOBLEMAN n. a noble.
NOBLEMENnoblemen n. Plural of nobleman.
NOBLEMAN n. a noble.
NOMBRILSnombrils n. Plural of nombril.
NOMBRIL n. (French) the point on an escutcheon between the fess point and the base point.
OLIBANUMolibanum n. A gum resin from trees of the genus Boswellia, formerly used as a medicine and now mainly as incense.
OLIBANUM n. an aromatic gum from a North African tree, formerly used in medicine but now chiefly as incense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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