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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, I, N, O and P

BLOOPINGblooping v. Present participle of bloop.
BLOOP v. in baseball, to hit a short fly ball.
BONSPIELbonspiel n. A tournament in the sport of curling.
BONSPIEL n. (Scots) a curling match between clubs, also BONSPELL.
HIPBONEShipbones n. Plural of hipbone.
hip␣bones n. Plural of hip bone.
HIPBONE n. a pelvic bone.
HOPBINDShopbinds n. Plural of hopbind.
HOPBIND n. the stalk of the hop, also HOPBINE.
HOPBINEShopbines n. Plural of hopbine.
HOPBINE n. the stalk of the hop, also HOPBIND.
OPINABLEopinable adj. Capable of being opined or thought.
OPINABLE adj. able to be thought.
PAINTBOXpaintbox n. A box used to hold an artist’s paints.
PAINTBOX n. a box containing paints.
PANBROILpanbroil v. (Cooking, transitive) To broil in a pan.
pan-broil v. (US) To cook over direct heat in an ungreased skillet.
PANBROIL v. to fry in a pan with little or no fat.
PINBOARDpinboard n. A notice board to which items can be pinned.
pinboard v. (Transitive) To attach to a pinboard.
PINBOARD n. a board for pinning notices, pictures, etc. on.
PINBONESpinbones n. Plural of pinbone.
pin␣bones n. Plural of pin bone.
PINBONE n. the hipbone.
PROBINGSprobings n. Plural of probing.
PROBING n. the act of performing a probe.
UNBISHOPunbishop v. (Transitive) To deprive (A city etc.) of a bishop.
unbishop v. (Transitive) To deprive (a clergyman) of episcopal dignity or rights.
UNBISHOP v. to deprive of the status of bishop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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