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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing B, I, M and 2R

AMBERIERAMBERY adj. like amber.
BIRDFARMBIRDFARM n. (US colloquial) an aircraft carrier.
BRIMMERSbrimmers n. Plural of brimmer.
Brimmers prop.n. Plural of Brimmer.
BRIMMER n. a bowl or glass full to the brim.
BROOMIERbroomier adj. Comparative form of broomy: more broomy.
BROOMY adj. abounding in broom (a shrub).
CRUMBIERcrumbier adj. Comparative form of crumby: more crumby.
CRUMBY adj. full of crumbs.
IMBARREDimbarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of imbar.
IMBAR v. (obsolete) to bar in; to secure, also EMBAR.
IMBORDERimborder v. Obsolete form of emborder.
IMBORDER v. to provide with a border, also EMBORDER.
LIMBERERlimberer adj. Comparative form of limber: more limber.
LIMBER adj. supple.
MARBLIERMARBLY adj. mottled.
MICROBARmicrobar n. A unit of pressure equal to one millionth of a bar.
MICROBAR n. a unit of atmospheric pressure.
MORBIDERmorbider adj. Comparative form of morbid: more morbid.
MORBID adj. of the nature of or indicative of disease.
MUIRBURNMUIRBURN n. the seasonal burning of heather on moorland to promote new growth, also MOORBURN.
OVERBRIMoverbrim v. (Transitive) To flow over the brim of; to overflow.
overbrim v. (Intransitive) To be so full as to overflow.
OVERBRIM v. to flow over.
RUMBLIERrumblier adj. Comparative form of rumbly: more rumbly.
RUMBLY adj. tending to rumble.
UMBERIERUMBERY adj. of or pertaining to umber; like umber; as, umbery gold.
UMBRIEREumbriere n. Rare spelling of umbrere.
UMBRIERE n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBREL, UMBRERE, UMBRIL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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