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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing B, I, L, R and W

AWLBIRDSAWLBIRD n. (dialect) the green woodpecker.
BEWAILERbewailer n. One who bewails or laments.
BEWAILER n. one who bewails or laments.
BEWILDERbewilder v. (Transitive) To confuse, disorientate, or puzzle someone, especially with many different choices.
BEWILDER v. to confuse.
BLOWSIERblowsier adj. Comparative form of blowsy: more blowsy.
BLOWSY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOUSY, BLOWZY.
BLOWZIERblowzier adj. Comparative form of blowzy: more blowzy.
BLOWZY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOUSY, BLOWSY.
BRAWLIERbrawlier adj. Comparative form of brawly: more brawly.
BRAWLIE adv. (Scots) in a fine manner.
BRAWLINGbrawling v. Present participle of brawl.
brawling n. An unruly fight; a brawl.
BRAWLING n. rowdy fighting.
BRAWNILYbrawnily adv. In a brawny manner.
BRAWNY adv. strongly built.
BRIGALOWbrigalow n. Any of various Australian acacia trees, especially Acacia harpophylla of New South Wales and Queensland.
BRIGALOW n. (Native Australian) any of several species of acacia.
WAMBLIERWAMBLY adj. affected with, or causing, sickness; unsteady.
WARBLIERWARBLY adj. voiced in a trilling or quavering manner.
WARBLINGwarbling v. Present participle of warble.
warbling n. A sound that warbles.
WARBLING adj. making a warbling sound.
WHIMBRELwhimbrel n. A large migratory wading bird, Numenius phaeopus, of the family Scolopacidae, with a long downcurved bill.
WHIMBREL n. a bird like a curlew, also WIMBREL.
WHIRLBATwhirlbat n. (Archaic) Anything moved with a whirl, as preparatory for a blow, or to augment the force of it.
whirlbat n. (Archaic, poetic) The cestus of ancient boxers.
WHIRLBAT n. an ancient boxing glove loaded with metal, also WHORLBAT.
WIMBRELSwimbrels n. Plural of wimbrel.
WIMBREL n. a bird like a curlew, also WHIMBREL.
WOBBLIERwobblier adj. Comparative form of wobbly: more wobbly.
WOBBLY adj. unsteady, also WABBLY.
WRITABLEwritable adj. Capable of being written.
writable adj. (Computing, of a file, storage device, etc.) Capable of being written to.
writable adj. (Programming) mutable.
WRYBILLSwrybills n. Plural of wrybill.
WRYBILL n. a New Zealand bird related to the plovers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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