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There are 19 eight-letter words containing B, I, 2L and M

BALLIUMSballiums n. Plural of ballium.
BALLIUM n. the outer wall and first line of defence of a castle.
BALMLIKEbalmlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a balm; soothing, healing.
BALMLIKE adj. like balm.
BDELLIUMbdellium n. Probably an aromatic gum like balsam that was exuded from a tree, probably one of several species in…
BDELLIUM n. (Latin) a fragrant gum resin from trees of the genus Commiphora.
BRIMFULLbrimfull adj. Obsolete spelling of brimful.
BRIMFULL adj. full to the brim.
BULLYISMbullyism n. (Dated) The swaggering, domineering behaviour of a bully.
BULLYISM n. rule by bullies.
FILMABLEfilmable adj. Capable of being filmed; suitable for filming.
FILMABLE adj. able to be filmed.
LAMBKILLlambkill n. Kalmia angustifolia, a toxic plant with small, deep pink flowers.
LAMBKILL n. an evergreen shrub.
LAMBLIKElamblike adj. Like a lamb; gentle; inoffensive.
LAMBLIKE adj. like a lamb.
LAMBLINGlambling n. A young or little lamb.
LAMBLING n. a little lamb.
LIMBERLYlimberly adv. In a limber manner.
LIMBER adv. supple.
LIMBLESSlimbless adj. Lacking limbs.
LIMBLESS adj. without limbs.
LIMBMEALlimbmeal adv. (Archaic) Into pieces; limb from limb.
limb-meal adv. (Archaic) Alternative form of limbmeal.
LIMBMEAL adv. (Shakespeare) piecemeal, limb by limb.
MAILABLEmailable adj. That can be (physically and/or legally) sent by mail.
mailable adj. Able to be contacted through electronic mail.
MAILABLE adj. able to be mailed.
MILLABLEmillable adj. Capable of being milled (shaped or polished by machine).
MILLABLE adj. able to be milled.
MILLIBARmillibar n. A non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100 pascals, used primarily to report atmospheric pressure.
MILLIBAR n. a unit of barometric pressure, equal to a thousandth of a bar.
MISBILLSmisbills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbill.
MISBILL v. to bill wrongly.
MISLABELmislabel v. To label incorrectly.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
MORBILLImorbilli n. Measles, rubeola.
MORBILLI n. (Latin) measles.
SEMIBULLsemibull n. (Rare) A bull issued by a pope in the period between election and coronation.
SEMIBULL n. a bull issued by a pope in the period between his election and coronation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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