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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing B, 2I, N and V

BAVININGbavining v. Present participle of bavin.
BAVIN v. to tie brushwood into bundles.
BIVINYLSBIVINYL n. a flammable gas used in making synthetic rubber.
BIVVYINGbivvying v. Present participle of bivvy.
BIVVY v. to bivouac, to remain in the open air (esp. during the night) without tents etc.
BOVINITYbovinity n. The condition of being bovine.
BOVINITY n. the state of being a bovine.
INVIABLEinviable adj. Alternative form of nonviable.
INVIABLE adj. not viable, also UNVIABLE.
INVIABLYinviably adv. In an inviable manner.
INVIABLE adv. not viable, also UNVIABLE.
OBLIVIONoblivion n. The state of forgetting completely, of being oblivious, unconscious, unaware, as when sleeping, drunk, or dead.
oblivion n. The state of being completely forgotten, of being reduced to a state of non-existence, extinction, or…
oblivion n. A form of purgatory.
VIBRIONSvibrions n. Plural of vibrion.
VIBRION n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRIO.
VIBRONICvibronic adj. (Physics) Describing relationships between electronic and vibrational motions or quantum states.
VIBRONIC adj. caused by electronic vibration.
VINCIBLEvincible adj. Capable of being defeated or overcome; assailable or vulnerable.
VINCIBLE adj. capable of being conquered.
VINCIBLYvincibly adv. In a vincible manner.
VINCIBLE adv. capable of being conquered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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