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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing B, H, L, O and Y

BALLYHOOballyhoo n. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
ballyhoo n. Noisy shouting or uproar.
ballyhoo v. To sensationalise or make grand claims.
BEHOVELYbehovely adj. (Archaic) Necessary; advantageous.
behovely adj. (Archaic) Useful.
behovely adv. (Archaic) Usefully.
BIHOURLYbihourly adj. Occurring once every two hours.
bihourly adv. Once every two hours.
bi-hourly adj. Alternative form of bihourly.
BILLYOHSBILLYOH n. in the phrase "like billyoh", extremely, also BILLYO.
BOTCHILYbotchily adv. In a botchy manner.
BOTCHY adv. done badly.
BOYISHLYboyishly adv. In a boyish manner.
BOYISH adv. like a boy.
HORRIBLYhorribly adv. (Manner) In a horrible way; very badly.
horribly adv. (Degree, often modifying a negative adverb or adjective) To an extreme degree or extent.
horribly adv. (Evaluative) With a very bad effect.
HYLOBATEhylobate n. Any of the genus Hylobates of gibbons.
HYLOBATE n. any species of the genus Hylobates; a gibbon, or long-armed ape.
HYPOBOLEhypobole n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical figure in which several things are mentioned that seem to make against the argument…
HYPOBOLE n. the anticipation and refutal of objections to an argument.
LYOPHOBElyophobe n. (Chemistry) a lyophobic substance.
lyophobe adj. (Chemistry) lyophobic.
LYOPHOBE adj. of a colloid, not readily dispersed, also LYOPHOBIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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