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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, H, L and 2O

BALLYHOOballyhoo n. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
ballyhoo n. Noisy shouting or uproar.
ballyhoo v. To sensationalise or make grand claims.
BILLHOOKbillhook n. (Weaponry) A medieval polearm, fitted to a long handle, sometimes with an L-shaped tine or a spike protruding…
billhook n. An agricultural implement often with a curved or hooked end to the blade used for pruning or cutting…
billhook n. Written as bill-hook: a part of the knotting mechanism in a reaper-binder or baler (agricultural machinery).
BLOWHOLEblowhole n. (Marine biology) The spiracle, on the top of the head, through which cetaceans breathe.
blowhole n. (Geology) A top-facing opening to a cavity in the ground very near an ocean’s shore, leading to a marine…
blowhole n. (Geology) A vent for the escape of steam or other gas.
BOGHOLESbogholes n. Plural of boghole.
BOGHOLE n. a natural hole in the ground with a swampy bottom.
BOLTHOLEbolthole n. A hole in an animal’s den, or through a wall or fence, used for escape or emergency exit; i.e. a hole…
bolthole n. (Figurative) A second home, etc. where a person can go to escape the stresses of everyday life.
bolt-hole n. Alternative form of bolthole.
BOREHOLEborehole n. A hole bored into the ground to collect samples for analysis or to extract oil or water.
borehole v. (Transitive, intransitive) To bore a hole of this kind (in).
BOREHOLE n. a hole made in the earth's crust.
BOTHOLESBOTHOLE n. a hole in a hide caused by maggots.
COOLABAHcoolabah n. Alternative spelling of coolibah.
COOLABAH n. (Native Australian) a type of tree, also COOLIBAH, COOLIBAR.
COOLIBAHcoolibah n. Any of a number of eucalyptus trees of central and northern Australia, in particular Eucalyptus microtheca.
COOLIBAH n. (Native Australian) a species of Australian eucalyptus tree, also COOLABAH, COOLIBAR.
HOTBLOODHOTBLOOD n. a reckless person.
HYPOBOLEhypobole n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical figure in which several things are mentioned that seem to make against the argument…
HYPOBOLE n. the anticipation and refutal of objections to an argument.
LYOPHOBElyophobe n. (Chemistry) a lyophobic substance.
lyophobe adj. (Chemistry) lyophobic.
LYOPHOBE adj. of a colloid, not readily dispersed, also LYOPHOBIC.
TOLBOOTHtolbooth n. Archaic form of toll booth.
TOLBOOTH n. (Scots) a town hall, a prison, also TOLLBOOTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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