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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, G, 2S and U

ABUSAGESabusages n. Plural of abusage.
ABUSAGE n. improper or incorrect use esp. of language.
BUGSEEDSbugseeds n. Plural of bugseed.
BUGSEED n. an American plant of the goosefoot family.
BUSGIRLSbusgirls n. Plural of busgirl.
BUSGIRL n. an assistant waitress.
BUSHINGSbushings n. Plural of bushing.
BUSHING n. a bush, an insulator which allows a live wire to pass through a wall.
BUSHPIGSbushpigs n. Plural of bushpig.
bush␣pigs n. Plural of bush pig.
BUSHPIG n. an African wild pig.
BUSKINGSbuskings n. Plural of busking.
BUSKING n. the art of busking.
BUSSINGSBussings prop.n. Plural of Bussing.
BUSSING n. the act of transporting by bus, also BUSING.
BUSTINGSbustings n. Plural of busting.
BUSTING n. the act of busting.
SCUMBAGSscumbags n. Plural of scumbag.
SCUMBAG n. a contemptible person.
SUBBINGSsubbings n. Plural of subbing.
SUBBING n. the act of subediting.
SUBGENUSsubgenus n. (Taxonomy) A subdivision of a genus.
SUBGENUS n. a subdivision of a genus.
SUBGOALSsubgoals n. Plural of subgoal.
SUBGOAL n. a subordinate goal.
SUBRINGSsubrings n. Plural of subring.
SUBRING n. a subset of a mathematical ring.
SUBSONGSsubsongs n. Plural of subsong.
SUBSONG n. a bird's undersong.
SUBSTAGEsubstage n. The stage, below the main stage of a microscope, to which attachments are fixed.
substage n. A stage making up part of a larger stage.
SUBSTAGE n. a part of a microscope for supporting accessories.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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