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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, G, M and 2O

BEGLOOMSbeglooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begloom.
BEGLOOM v. to make gloomy.
BLOOMINGblooming v. Present participle of bloom.
blooming adj. Opening in blossoms; flowering.
blooming adj. Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
BOOGYMANboogyman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGEYMAN, BOGYMAN.
BOOGYMENboogymen n. Plural of boogyman.
BOOGYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGEYMAN, BOGYMAN.
BOOMINGSboomings n. Plural of booming.
BOOMING n. the act of booming.
BOSOMINGbosoming v. Present participle of bosom.
BOSOM v. to enclose in the bosom.
BROOMINGbrooming v. Present participle of broom.
brooming n. A sweeping with a broom.
BROOM v. to sweep with a broom.
GAMBROONgambroon n. A kind of twilled linen cloth for lining.
GAMBROON n. (Persian) a twilled cloth of worsted and cotton.
GAMEBOOKgamebook n. A book of games, especially one with an interactive story which unfolds as the reader makes decisions…
gamebook n. (UK) records on shot game (Date, hunter, species, etc.) in a certain area.
GAMEBOOK n. a book of strategies used by a sports team.
GOMBROONgombroon n. Iranian pottery.
Gombroon prop.n. Former name of Bandar Abbas.
GOMBROON n. a type of Persian pottery.
GOOMBAHSgoombahs n. Plural of goombah.
GOOMBAH n. an older man who is a friend.
GOOMBAYSgoombays n. Plural of goombay.
GOOMBAY n. calypso music of the Bahamas.
GUMBOOTSgumboots n. Plural of gumboot.
gum␣boots n. Plural of gum boot.
GUMBOOT n. a rubber boot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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