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There are 20 eight-letter words containing B, G, 2I and O

ABORIGINaborigin n. (Obsolete) Aborigine.
ABORIGIN n. an original or native inhabitant of a country, also ABORIGEN, ABORIGINE.
BIGNONIAbignonia n. Any member of the genus Bignonia of flowering plants in the catalpa family.
Bignonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bignoniaceae.
BIGNONIA n. any member of the Bignonia genus of tropical plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
BINGOINGbingoing v. Present participle of bingo.
BINGO v. to play all seven of one's tiles at Scrabble.
BIOGENICbiogenic adj. Produced by living organisms, or by a biological process.
biogenic adj. Essential for the maintenance of life.
BIOGENIC adj. relating to biogens.
BIOLOGICbiologic adj. Biological; pertaining to biology or to a living organism.
biologic n. An extremely complex drug, vaccine or antitoxin that is made from a living organism, or from products…
BIOLOGIC adj. related to biology.
BOGIEINGBOGIE v. (Australian slang) to bathe or swim.
BOILINGSboilings n. Plural of boiling.
BOILING n. the act of boiling.
BOINGINGboinging v. Present participle of boing.
BOING v. to reverberate by bouncing, also BOINK.
BOINKINGboinking v. Present participle of boink.
BOINK v. to reverberate by bouncing, also BOING.
BOLIXINGbolixing v. Present participle of bolix.
BOLIX v. to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BROILINGbroiling adj. Very hot.
broiling n. A food prepared by broiling.
broiling n. Gerund of broil: the act of broiling.
GOBIOIDSgobioids n. Plural of gobioid.
GOBIOID n. a fish of the goby family, also GOBIID.
IBOGAINEibogaine n. (Biochemistry) A naturally-occurring psychoactive compound found in a number of plants, principally…
IBOGAINE n. an alkaloid used as an antidepressant.
INORBINGinorbing v. Present participle of inorb.
INORB v. to set in an orb, to encircle.
KIMBOINGKIMBO v. to set akimbo, also KEMBO.
LIMBOINGlimboing v. Present participle of limbo.
LIMBO v. to perform a kind of West Indian dance.
OBLIGATIobligati n. Plural of obligato.
OBLIGATO n. (Italian) a musical accompaniment of independent importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece, also OBBLIGATO.
OBLIGINGobliging adj. Happy and ready to do favours for others.
obliging v. Present participle of oblige.
obliging n. The imposition of an obligation.
ORBITINGorbiting v. Present participle of orbit.
ORBIT v. to revolve around.
SIGISBEOsigisbeo n. Alternative form of cicisbeo.
SIGISBEO n. (Italian) a professed gallant of a married woman, also CICISBEO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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