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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, 2G, I and R

BLOGGIERBLOGGY adj. characteristic of blogging.
BLOGRINGblogring n. (Internet) A kind of webring connecting blogs.
BLOGRING n. a number of blogs joined in a ring.
BLUGGIERbluggier adj. Comparative form of bluggy: more bluggy.
BLUGGY adj. (colloquial) bloody.
BRAGGIERbraggier adj. Comparative form of braggy: more braggy.
BRAGGY adj. tending to brag.
BRAGGINGbragging n. The act of one who brags.
bragging v. Present participle of brag.
BRAGGING n. an act of bragging.
BRIDGINGbridging v. Present participle of bridge.
bridging adj. That acts as a bridge (in many contexts).
bridging n. The act of building a bridge.
BRIGUINGbriguing v. Present participle of brigue.
BRIGUING n. canvassing.
BRINGINGbringing v. Present participle of bring.
bringing n. The act by which something is brought.
BRINGING n. the act of bringing.
BROGGINGbrogging v. Present participle of brog.
BROG v. (Scots) to prick with an awl.
BURGLINGburgling v. Present participle of burgle.
BURGLE v. to trespass to steal.
GARBLINGgarbling v. Present participle of garble.
garbling n. The act by which something is garbled or confused.
garbling n. The process of removing the unwanted substances present in crude drugs after drying.
GRABBINGgrabbing v. Present participle of grab.
grabbing n. The act of one who grabs; a snatching.
GRAB v. to grasp suddenly.
GRUBBINGgrubbing v. Present participle of grub.
grubbing n. The act by which something is grubbed, or dug up.
GRUB v. to dig around in the dirt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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