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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, F, S, T and U

BEAUFETSbeaufets n. Plural of beaufet.
BEAUFET n. (obsolete) a sideboard, also BEAUFFET.
BLUFFESTbluffest adj. Superlative form of bluff: most bluff.
BLUFF adj. rough and hearty.
BOASTFULboastful adj. Tending to boast or brag.
BOASTFUL adj. given to boasting.
BOATFULSboatfuls n. Plural of boatful.
BOATFUL n. as much as a boat can hold.
BUFFIESTbuffiest adj. Superlative form of buffy: most buffy.
BUFFY adj. of a yellowish-brown colour.
FABULISTfabulist n. A person who writes or tells fables.
fabulist n. (Figurative) A liar.
FABULIST n. one who invents fables.
FUBBIESTFUBBY adj. chubby and squat, also FUBSY.
FUBSIESTfubsiest adj. Superlative form of fubsy: most fubsy.
FUBSY adj. chubby, also FUBBY.
SUBSHAFTsubshaft n. (Architecture) A secondary or subsidiary shaft.
SUBSHAFT n. a shaft that is beneath another shaft.
SURFBOATsurfboat n. Alternative spelling of surf boat.
surf␣boat n. A type of boat used in surf lifesaving to go from shore out through the breaking waves, and back again…
SURFBOAT n. a strong rowboat.
TUBEFULStubefuls n. Plural of tubeful.
TUBEFUL n. as much as a tube can hold.
TUBFASTStub-fasts n. Plural of tub-fast.
TUBFAST n. (Shakespeare) the treatment of venereal disease by fasting and sweating in a hot tub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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