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There are 20 eight-letter words containing B, F, I and 2L

BACKFILLbackfill v. To refill a hole with the material dug out of it.
backfill v. (Archaeology) To refill an excavation unit to restore the former ground surface and/or to preserve the…
backfill v. (US) To provide reserve support.
BILLFISHbillfish n. Any of several fish, of the families Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae, that have an elongated jaw.
billfish n. Other fish with elongated jaws…
BILLFISH n. a kind of fish with long jaws.
BILLFOLDbillfold n. A small, folding sleeve or case designed to hold paper currency, as well as credit cards, pictures, etc.
BILLFOLD n. a wallet.
BLISSFULblissful adj. Extremely happy; full of joy; experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss.
blissful adj. (Obsolete) Blessed; glorified.
BLISSFUL adj. very happy.
BRIMFULLbrimfull adj. Obsolete spelling of brimful.
BRIMFULL adj. full to the brim.
FALLIBLEfallible adj. Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
FALLIBLE adj. capable of erring.
FALLIBLYfallibly adv. In a fallible manner.
FALLIBLE adv. capable of erring.
FIBRILLAfibrilla n. A minute thread or fibre; a fibril.
FIBRILLA n. (Latin) a small fibre, also FIBRIL.
FILEABLEfileable adj. Capable of being filed (in various senses).
FILEABLE adj. able to be filed.
FILLABLEfillable adj. Able to be filled.
FILLABLE adj. capable of being filled.
FILLIBEGfillibeg n. Alternative form of philibeg.
FILMABLEfilmable adj. Capable of being filmed; suitable for filming.
FILMABLE adj. able to be filmed.
FIREBALLfireball n. A ball of fire, especially one associated with an explosion.
fireball n. (Astronomy) A meteor bright enough to cast shadows.
fireball n. (Figurative) A feisty, strong-willed person.
FISHBALLfishball n. A food item made from pulverized fish shaped into a ball, popular in Chinese and Scandinavian cuisine.
fish-ball n. Alternative spelling of fishball.
fish␣ball n. Alternative spelling of fishball.
FLABBILYflabbily adv. In a flabby manner.
FLABBY adv. hanging loose.
FLEXIBLEflexible adj. Capable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned or twisted without breaking.
flexible adj. Willing or prone to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate.
flexible adj. Capable or being adapted or molded in some way.
FLEXIBLYflexibly adv. In a flexible manner.
FLEXIBLE adv. able to be bent.
FOILABLEfoilable adj. Capable of being foiled.
FOILABLE adj. able to be foiled.
LIFEBELTlifebelt n. Alternative spelling of life belt.
life␣belt n. A buoyant ring carried on board ships that can be thrown to someone in the water in an emergency to…
LIFEBELT n. a buoyant belt for use in water.
LIFTABLEliftable adj. Capable of being lifted.
LIFTABLE adj. able to be lifted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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