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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, E and 3O

BOOHOOEDboohooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of boohoo.
BOOHOO v. to cry.
BOOKLOREbooklore n. Synonym of book-learning.
booklore n. Factual information concerning books, for example regarding such matters as authors and the history…
book-lore n. Alternative form of booklore.
BOOTHOSEboothose n. An item of clothing worn over the stockings, in fashion in the seventeenth century.
BOOTHOSE n. (Shakespeare) a long stocking which covers the leg like a boot.
CODEBOOKcodebook n. (Cryptography) A book, table, database, or other object that stores the mapping between plaintext words…
codebook n. (Computer science) A lookup table.
CODEBOOK n. a book containing code words and symbols.
ECONOBOXeconobox n. (Informal) A small, unassuming automobile.
ECONOBOX n. a small economical car.
FOREBOOMforeboom n. (Nautical) The boom of the foremast.
FOREBOOM n. the boom of a ship's foremast.
GOOSEGOBgoosegob n. (UK, dialect) gooseberry.
GOOSEGOB n. gooseberry, also GOOSEGOG.
HOMEOBOXhomeobox n. (Genetics) A short sequence of DNA that is shared by several genes involved in the morphogenesis of many organisms.
HOMEOBOX n. a short DNA sequence, also HOMOEOBOX.
LOOSEBOXloosebox n. Alternative spelling of loose box.
loose-box n. Alternative spelling of loose box.
loose␣box n. (Chiefly Britain) A separate compartment of a building in which livestock are free to move about; especially…
NOTEBOOKnotebook n. A book in which notes or memoranda are written.
notebook n. (Computing, sometimes attributive) A kind of user interface in literate programming, allowing calculations…
notebook n. (Computing, dated) Ellipsis of notebook computer.
OVERBOOKoverbook v. (Transitive) To sell or guarantee more seats for (an event) than actually exist.
OVERBOOK v. to book in excess of space available.
OVERBOOToverboot n. A heavy-duty overshoe; a boot#Noun that is an overshoe.
OVERBOOT n. a protective boot worn over an ordinary boot or shoe.
ZOOPHOBEzoophobe n. A zoophobic person.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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