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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing B, E, N, P and S

ANABLEPSanableps n. Any of the genus Anableps of "four-eyed" fishes (having eyes raised above the top of the head and divided…
ANABLEPS n. (Greek) any of a genus of bony fishes with open air-bladders and projecting eyes divided in two for vision in air and water.
BEPAINTSbepaints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bepaint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
BESPOKENbespoken v. Past participle of bespeak.
bespoken adj. (Obsolete) betrothed or engaged to be married (compare with: spoken for).
BESPEAK v. to request in advance.
BESPRENTbesprent v. Simple past tense and past participle of besprenge.
besprent adj. (Archaic) besprinkled.
BESPRENT adj. (obsolete) sprinkled over.
BIPLANESbiplanes n. Plural of biplane.
BIPLANE n. a plane with two sets of wings.
BONSPELLbonspell n. Alternative form of bonspiel.
BONSPELL n. (Scots) a curling match between clubs, also BONSPIEL.
BONSPIELbonspiel n. A tournament in the sport of curling.
BONSPIEL n. (Scots) a curling match between clubs, also BONSPELL.
BULLPENSbullpens n. Plural of bullpen.
BULLPEN n. an enclosure for bulls or prisoners.
HIPBONEShipbones n. Plural of hipbone.
hip␣bones n. Plural of hip bone.
HIPBONE n. a pelvic bone.
HOPBINEShopbines n. Plural of hopbine.
HOPBINE n. the stalk of the hop, also HOPBIND.
PARABENSparabens n. Plural of paraben.
PARABEN n. any of a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
PEBRINESPEBRINE n. (French) a disease of silkworms.
PEEBEENSPEEBEEN n. a large, hardwood, evergreen tree.
PEMBINASpembinas n. Plural of pembina.
Pembinas n. Plural of Pembina.
PEMBINA n. (Native American) a variety of cranberry.
PINBONESpinbones n. Plural of pinbone.
pin␣bones n. Plural of pin bone.
PINBONE n. the hipbone.
PREBENDSprebends n. Plural of prebend.
prebends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prebend.
PREBEND n. a clergyman's stipend.
PREBINDSprebinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prebind.
PREBIND v. to bind in durable materials for library use.
SUBPANELsubpanel n. A subsection of a panel.
SUBPANEL n. a subdivision of a panel.
SUBPENASsubpenas n. Plural of subpena.
SUBPENA v. (Latin) to summon with a type of judicial writ, also SUBPOENA.
SUBPOENAsubpoena n. (Law, historical) A writ requiring a defendant to appear in court to answer a plaintiff’s claim.
subpoena n. (Law) A writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony.
subpoena v. (Transitive) To summon with a subpoena.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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