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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing B, E, L, U and Z

BEMUZZLEBEMUZZLE v. to put a gag on.
BRUILZIEbruilzie n. Alternative form of brulzie.
BRUILZIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRULYIE, BRULZIE.
BRULZIESbrulzies n. Plural of brulzie.
BRULZIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRUILZIE, BRULYIE.
BULLDOZEbulldoze v. To destroy with a bulldozer.
bulldoze v. (UK) To push someone over by heading straight over them. Often used in conjunction with "over".
bulldoze v. To push through forcefully.
FABULIZEfabulize v. To compose or relate fables or fictions; to give a false account of.
fabulize v. (Transitive, nonstandard, slang) To make fabulous, improve.
FABULIZE v. to write fables, also FABULISE.
NEBULIZEnebulize v. To convert liquid into a fine spray of aerosols, by using a nebulizer; to atomize.
nebulize v. (Medicine) To treat a patient with medicine applied using a nebulizer.
NEBULIZE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also NEBULISE.
OUTBLAZEoutblaze v. (Transitive) To shine or burn more brightly or intensely than.
OUTBLAZE v. to surpass in brilliance of light.
ZEBRULASzebrulas n. Plural of zebrula.
ZEBRULA n. the offspring of a male zebra and a female horse, also ZEBRULE.
ZEBRULESzebrules n. Plural of zebrule.
ZEBRULE n. the offspring of a male zebra and a female horse, also ZEBRULA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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