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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, E, F and 2O

BAREFOOTbarefoot adj. Wearing nothing on the feet.
barefoot adj. (Informal) Of a vehicle on an icy road: not using snow chains.
barefoot adj. (CB radio, slang) Transmitting without the use of an amplifier.
BEEFWOODbeefwood n. Any of the Australian trees having timber resembling raw beef.
beefwood n. (Uncountable) The timber of those trees.
BEEFWOOD n. an Australian tree and its red wood, used for cabinetwork.
BEFOOLEDbefooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of befool.
BEFOOL v. to fool; to delude or lead into error.
BOOFHEADboofhead n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang, derogatory) An idiot; a fathead.
boofhead n. (Australia, slang, derogatory) An oversized head.
boofhead n. (Australia, slang, derogatory) A person with an oversized head.
BOOFIESTboofiest adj. Superlative form of boofy: most boofy.
BOOFY adj. muscular and strong but stupid.
FACEBOOKfacebook n. A reference book or electronic directory made up of individuals’ photographs and names.
facebook n. A college publication distributed at the start of the academic year by university administrations with…
facebook v. Alternative form of Facebook.
FOOTBEDSfootbeds n. Plural of footbed.
FOOTBED n. the insole in a boot or shoe.
FORBODEDforboded v. Simple past tense and past participle of forbode.
FORBODE v. to indicate in advance, also FOREBODE.
FORBODESforbodes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forbode.
FORBODE v. to indicate in advance, also FOREBODE.
FORBORNEforborne v. Past participle of forbear.
FORBEAR v. to refrain from.
FOREBODEforebode v. To predict a future event; to hint at something that will happen (especially as a literary device).
forebode v. To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which…
forebode n. (Obsolete) prognostication; presage.
FOREBODYforebody n. The forepart of a vehicle.
forebody n. (Nautical) The part of the vessel forward of amidships.
forebody n. (Physiology) thorax.
FOREBOOMforeboom n. (Nautical) The boom of the foremast.
FOREBOOM n. the boom of a ship's foremast.
FREEBOOTfreeboot v. To pillage or plunder.
freeboot v. (Transitive) To rehost (online media) without legal authorization.
FREEBOOT v. to plunder.
HOOFBEAThoofbeat n. The sound of a hoof striking the ground.
HOOFBEAT n. the sound of hooves striking the ground.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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