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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, C, M and 2O

BACKROOMbackroom n. A room near the rear of a premises, especially one that is only accessible to a privileged few and can…
backroom adj. Of, relating to, or happening in a backroom.
backroom adj. (Figurative) Characterized by secrecy or anonymity.
BIONOMICbionomic adj. Relating to bionomics.
BIONOMIC adj. relating to bionomics.
CAMBOOSEcamboose n. Alternative form of caboose.
CAMBOOSE n. (Canadian) a cabin built as living-quarters for a gang of lumbermen.
CLUBROOMclubroom n. A room used for club activities.
CLUBROOM n. a room in a club.
COEMBODYCOEMBODY v. to embody jointly.
COLOBOMAcoloboma n. (Medicine) An abnormal hole present from birth in one of the structures of the eye, such as the lens…
COLOBOMA n. a lesion of the eye.
COMBOVERcombover n. A manner of combing hair from one side to the other in an attempt to conceal a medial bald patch.
comb-over n. Alternative spelling of combover.
comb␣over v. (Transitive) to examine scrupulously.
COMORBIDcomorbid adj. (Medicine, of a disease or symptom) That occurs at the same time as another.
COMORBID adj. pertaining to two diseases which occur together.
COULOMBScoulombs n. Plural of coulomb.
COULOMB n. (French) the SI unit of electric charge.
COXCOMBScoxcombs n. Plural of coxcomb.
COXCOMB n. a foolishly vain or conceited man.
MACCOBOYmaccoboy n. Alternative form of maccaboy.
MACCOBOY n. a type of snuff, also MACCABOY, MACCABAW.
MOBOCRATmobocrat n. One who favours a form of government in which the unintelligent populace rules without restraint.
MOBOCRAT n. one who favors a form of government in which the unintelligent populace rules without restraint.
MONOBLOCmonobloc n. A forging or casting made in a single piece, rather than being fabricated from components.
MONOBLOC adj. made from a single piece of material.
OUTCLOMBOUTCLIMB v. to surpass in climbing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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