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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, C, L, S and Y

BICYCLESbicycles n. Plural of bicycle.
bicycles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bicycle.
BICYCLE v. to ride a two-wheeled vehicle.
BYPLACESby-places n. Plural of by-place.
BYPLACE n. a secluded place.
CALLBOYScallboys n. Plural of callboy.
call-boys n. Plural of call-boy.
call␣boys n. Plural of call boy.
CYMBALOScymbalos n. Plural of cymbalo.
CYMBALO n. (Italian) the dulcimer.
FLYBACKSflybacks n. Plural of flyback.
fly-backs n. Plural of fly-back.
FLYBACK n. the rapid return of the spot on a cathode ray tube after it finishes a line.
LAYBACKSlaybacks n. Plural of layback.
LAYBACK v. to climb using the layback technique.
SCABBILYscabbily adv. In a scabby manner; in a low, base or mean way.
SCABBY adv. covered with scabs.
SCALABLYscalably adv. In a scalable manner.
SCALABLE adv. that can be scaled, also SCALEABLE.
SCRABBLYscrabbly adj. Characterised by scrabbling, or digging around.
scrabbly adj. Covered in loose rocks or crumbling soil.
scrabbly adj. Difficult to negotiate; requiring scrambling.
SCRIBBLYscribbly adj. Like a scribble; roughly scrawled; illegible or messy.
SCRIBBLY adj. written hastily or illegibly.
SCYBALUMscybalum n. A manually palpable lump of stool in the intestines, associated with constipation.
SCYBALUM n. (Greek) a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine.
SIBYLLICsibyllic adj. Of or relating to a sibyl (pagan female oracle or prophetess).
SIBYLLIC adj. of or like a sibyl, also SIBYLIC, SIBYLLINE.
SOCIABLYsociably adv. In a sociable manner; with free intercourse; conversibly; familiarly; as a companion.
sociably adv. According to society or societal norms.
sociably adv. For social purposes, in a social situation.
SYLLABICsyllabic adj. Of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable or syllables.
syllabic adj. Pronounced with every syllable distinct.
syllabic adj. (Linguistics) Designating a sound that is or can be the most sonorant segment of a syllable, as a vowel…
SYMBOLICsymbolic adj. Pertaining to a symbol.
symbolic adj. Implicitly representing or referring to another thing.
SYMBOLIC adj. pertaining to a symbol, also SYMBOLICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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