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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, C, I, P and S

BACKSPINbackspin n. Spin applied to a ball in order to slow it, change its flight, or stop it when it lands.
backspin n. (Music) Synonym of spinback.
backspin v. (Transitive) To spin (a ball) with this motion.
BESPICEDbespiced v. Simple past tense and past participle of bespice.
BESPICE v. (Shakespeare) to season with spice.
BESPICESbespices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bespice.
BESPICE v. (Shakespeare) to season with spice.
BICEPSESbicepses n. (Rare) plural of biceps.
BICEPS n. (Latin) the two-headed muscle at the front of the arm, also BICEP.
BICUSPIDbicuspid adj. Having two points or prominences; ending in two points; said of teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.
bicuspid n. A tooth with two cusps; a premolar tooth.
BICUSPID adj. having two cusps.
BIOCHIPSbiochips n. Plural of biochip.
BIOCHIP n. a computer logic circuit whose components are formed from biological molecules or structures.
BIOSCOPEbioscope n. An early form of movie projector.
bioscope n. (South Africa, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Indonesia, dated) A cinema or movie theatre.
BIOSCOPE n. an early movie projector.
BIOSCOPYbioscopy n. (Medicine) the examination of a body to determine if it is alive or dead.
BIOSCOPY n. a type of medical examination.
BIPHASICbiphasic adj. Having two phases.
BIPHASIC adj. having two phases.
COPAIBAScopaibas n. Plural of copaiba.
COPAIBA n. (Tupi) a transparent resin obtained from certain South American trees, also COPAIVA.
PEDICABSpedicabs n. Plural of pedicab.
PEDICAB n. a light vehicle consisting of a tricycle with the addition of a covered seat for a passenger.
PIBROCHSpibrochs n. Plural of pibroch.
PIBROCH n. (Gaelic) a dirge or martial theme for bagpipes.
SAPROBICsaprobic adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a saprobe or saprobes; that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter.
saprobic adj. (Ecology) That contains dead or decaying organic material (and therefore also saprobes).
SAPROBIC adj. of or like a saprobe, an organism living in foul water, also SAPROBIAL.
SUBOPTICsuboptic adj. (Anatomy) Below the eye; subocular.
SUBOPTIC adj. situated under the eyes.
SUBPUBICsubpubic adj. (Anatomy) Below the pubis.
SUBPUBIC adj. situated under the pubis.
SUBTOPICsubtopic n. A subject that forms part of a topic.
SUBTOPIC n. a secondary topic.
UPCLIMBSupclimbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upclimb.
UPCLIMB v. to climb up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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