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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, M and N

AMBIANCEambiance n. A particular mood or atmosphere of an environment or surrounding influence.
ambiance n. (Computer graphics, 3D models) A secondary color of a polygon that becomes more pronounced with shading.
AMBIANCE n. the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation, also AMBIENCE.
AMBIENCEambience n. Alternative spelling of ambiance.
AMBIENCE n. the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation, also AMBIANCE.
BECOMINGbecoming v. Present participle of become.
becoming n. (Chiefly philosophy) The act or process by which something becomes.
becoming adj. Pleasingly suitable; fit; congruous; beautiful.
BROMANCEbromance n. (Informal) A close but non-sexual relationship between men.
BROMANCE n. a close but not romantic or sexual relationship between two men.
BUNCOMBEbuncombe n. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of bunkum.
Buncombe prop.n. A surname.
Buncombe prop.n. A village in Johnson County, Illinois, United States.
COMBINEDcombined adj. Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc. united together.
combined v. Simple past tense and past participle of combine.
combined n. (Skiing) Ellipsis of alpine combined.. An event in alpine skiing consisting of one run of downhill and…
COMBINERcombiner n. A person who or a thing that combines.
COMBINER n. one who, or that which, combines.
COMBINEScombines n. Plural of combine.
combines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of combine.
COMBINE v. to join, mix.
DUMBCANEdumbcane n. A tropical plant of the genus Dieffenbachia.
dumb␣cane n. Alternative form of dumbcane (Dieffenbachia seguine).
DUMBCANE n. a poisonous tropical plant.
EMBACINGEMBACE v. (Spenser) to lower, also EMBASE, IMBASE.
ENCUMBERencumber v. (Transitive) To load down something with a burden.
encumber v. (Transitive) To restrict or block something with a hindrance or impediment.
encumber v. (Transitive) To burden with a legal claim or other obligation.
INCUMBERincumber v. Archaic form of encumber.
INCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also ENCUMBER.
LAMBENCYlambency n. The property of being lambent, brightness.
LAMBENCY n. the quality of being lambent.
UNCOMBEDuncombed adj. Not combed.
uncombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncomb.
UNCOMBED adj. not combed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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