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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, G and R

BIRDCAGEbirdcage n. (Countable) A cage to keep pet or zoological specimen birds in.
birdcage n. (Uncountable) A game of chance played with dice; chuck-a-luck.
bird-cage n. Alternative spelling of birdcage.
BONGRACEbongrace n. (Obsolete) A projecting bonnet or shade to protect the complexion.
bongrace n. (Obsolete) A wide-brimmed hat.
BONGRACE n. (French) a sunshade worn over a hat.
BROCAGESbrocages n. Plural of brocage.
BROCAGE n. the business of a broker.
BROCKAGEbrockage n. (Coin collecting) A type of error coin in which one side of the coin has the normal design and the other…
BROCKAGE n. (Scots) fragments of crockery etc.
CANEGRUBcanegrub n. A grub that eats the roots of sugar cane.
CANEGRUB n. any of various species of beetle native to Australia.
CRIBBAGEcribbage n. (Card games) A point-counting card game for two players, with variants for three or four players; the…
cribbage n. A variety of pocket billiards that, like the card game, awards points for pairs that total 15. A player…
cribbage n. A point scored in this variety of pocket billiards.
GREYBACKgreyback n. (Historical, US, colloquial) A Confederate soldier during the US Civil War (because of the grey uniforms).
greyback n. (Dated) A louse.
greyback n. (Regional) Any of various grey birds.
ICEBERGSicebergs n. Plural of iceberg.
ICEBERG n. a large floating body of ice.
RIBCAGESribcages n. Plural of ribcage (alternative spelling of rib cages).
rib-cages n. Plural of rib-cage (alternative spelling of ribcages).
rib␣cages n. Plural of rib cage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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