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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, C, D, O and U

ABDUCTORabductor n. One who abducts; a kidnapper.
abductor n. (Anatomy) A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or from the median line of the body.
ABDUCTOR n. a person who abducts.
BECLOUDSbeclouds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of becloud.
BECLOUD v. to make dim, cloud.
BUCARDOSbucardos n. Plural of bucardo.
BUCARDO n. (Spanish) a recently extinct species of Spanish mountain goat.
BURDOCKSburdocks n. Plural of burdock.
BURDOCK n. a coarse dandelion-like plant.
COLUBRIDcolubrid n. Any snake in the family Colubridae, completely covered in scales and mostly nonvenomous.
COLUBRID n. any of a large family of snakes including the garter and king snake.
CUBHOODSCUBHOOD n. the state of being a cub.
CUBOIDALcuboidal adj. Resembling a cube.
cuboidal adj. (Geometry) Of, pertaining to, or having the shape of a cuboid.
CUBOIDAL adj. relating to a cuboid.
CUPBOARDcupboard n. (Obsolete) A board or table used to openly hold and display silver plate and other dishware; a sideboard; a buffet.
cupboard n. (Obsolete) Things displayed on a sideboard; dishware, particularly valuable plate.
cupboard n. A cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware…
DEBOUCHEdebouche v. (Military, of a body of soldiers) To enter into battle.
debouche v. (Hydrology, of a river or stream) To discharge into a larger body of water such as a lake or sea.
débouché n. (Archaic) An exit or outlet.
ICEBOUNDicebound adj. Completely surrounded by ice and therefore unable to move.
ICEBOUND adj. surrounded by ice.
OBDURACYobduracy n. The state of being obdurate, intractable, or stubbornly inflexible.
OBDURACY n. the quality of hardness of heart.
OBSCUREDobscured v. Simple past tense and past participle of obscure.
obscured adj. Made hidden, less visible, or dark.
OBSCURE v. to make indistinct.
SUBCHORDsubchord n. (Geometry) A portion of a chord.
SUBCHORD n. a subdivision of a chord.
SUBCODESsubcodes n. Plural of subcode.
SUBCODE n. a subdivision of a code.
UNCOMBEDuncombed adj. Not combed.
uncombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncomb.
UNCOMBED adj. not combed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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