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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, 2C, O and R

ABRICOCKabricock n. (Obsolete) apricot.
ABRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also APRICOCK.
ASCORBICascorbic adj. Of or pertaining to ascorbic acid or its derivatives.
ASCORBIC adj. antiscorbutic, relieving scurvy, as in ascorbic acid.
BAROCCOSBAROCCO n. (Italian) a bold decorative style, also BAROQUE, BAROCK.
BESCORCHbescorch v. (Transitive) To scorch about, around, or all over; scorch completely.
BESCORCH v. to scorch thoroughly.
BROCCOLIbroccoli n. A plant, Brassica oleracea var. italica, of the cabbage family, Brassicaceae; especially, the tree-shaped…
broccoli n. (US, slang) Marijuana.
broccoli n. Plural of broccolo.
CABOCEERcaboceer n. (Historical) A native African official responsible for supplying slaves to slave traders.
CABOCEER n. (Portuguese) a West African headman.
CARBOLICcarbolic adj. Of, relating to or containing carbolic acid.
carbolic n. Carbolic acid or similar disinfectant.
CARBOLIC n. an acidic compound.
CARBONICcarbonic adj. Of or relating to carbon.
CARBONIC adj. of or relating to carbon, as in carbonic acid.
COCKBIRDcockbird n. The male of a game bird, especially of a pheasant.
cockbird n. The male of any bird.
COCKBIRD n. a male bird.
CORNCOBScorncobs n. Plural of corncob.
corn-cobs n. Plural of corn-cob.
CORNCOB n. the cob or axis on which the kernels of Indian corn grow.
CORNCRIBcorncrib n. Alternative form of corn crib.
corn␣crib n. A slatted bin for drying corn (maize).
CORNCRIB n. a building in which corn is stored.
CROMBECScrombecs n. Plural of crombec.
CROMBEC n. a kind of African warbler.
MICROBICmicrobic adj. Microbial.
MICROBIC adj. of or like a microbe, also MICROBIAL, MICROBIAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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