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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2B, O, S and U

BABUDOMSBABUDOM n. the state of being a babu, a Hindoo gentleman, also BABUISM.
BIBULOUSbibulous adj. Very absorbent.
bibulous adj. Given to or marked by the consumption of alcoholic drink.
BIBULOUS adj. addicted to strong drink.
BITURBOSBITURBO n. an engine with two turbos.
BLAUBOKSblauboks n. Plural of blaubok.
BLAUBOK n. (South African) the blue buck, also BLOUBOK, BLUEBUCK.
BLOUBOKSBLOUBOK n. (South African) the blue buck, also BLAUBOK, BLUEBUCK.
BOERBULSBOERBUL n. (South African) a mastiff, often used as a watchdog.
BOURBONSbourbons n. Plural of bourbon.
Bourbons n. Plural of Bourbon.
BOURBON n. a kind of whisky.
BUGABOOSbugaboos n. Plural of bugaboo.
bug-a-boos n. Plural of bug-a-boo.
BUGABOO n. (Welsh) a cause for anxiety, also BUGBEAR.
BUMBOATSbumboats n. Plural of bumboat.
BUMBOAT n. a boat used to peddle wares to larger ships.
BUSYBODYbusybody n. Someone who interferes with others; one who is nosy, intrusive or meddlesome.
busybody v. (Intransitive) To meddle or interfere.
busy␣body n. Alternative spelling of busybody.
RUBABOOSRUBABOO n. (Canadian) a type of soup, also RUBBABOO.
STUBBORNstubborn adj. Refusing to move or to change one’s opinion; obstinate; firmly resisting; persistent in doing something.
stubborn adj. Of materials: physically stiff and inflexible; not easily melted or worked.
stubborn n. (Informal) Stubbornness.
SUBABBOTsubabbot n. An abbot with another abbot as their superior.
SUBABBOT n. a subordinate abbot.
SUBBLOCKsubblock n. A block (Of data, etc.) making up part of a larger block.
SUBBLOCK n. a subdivision of a block.
WHOOBUBSWHOOBUB n. (obsolete) a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUB, HUBBUBOO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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