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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2B, I, O and R

BITURBOSBITURBO n. an engine with two turbos.
BLOBBIERblobbier adj. Comparative form of blobby: more blobby.
BLOBBY adj. having blobs, blob-shaped.
BOBBLIERbobblier adj. Comparative form of bobbly: more bobbly.
BOBBLY adj. like pilled cloth.
BOOBIRDSboobirds n. Plural of boobird.
BOOBIRD n. a fan who boos players of the home team.
BRAINBOXbrainbox n. (Slang) A very intelligent person.
brainbox n. (Slang) The head or skull (which encloses the brain).
BRAINBOX n. a clever person.
FIREBOMBfirebomb n. A weapon that causes fire; an incendiary weapon.
firebomb v. (Transitive) To attack with a firebomb.
FIREBOMB v. to attack with incendiary bombs.
GABBROICgabbroic adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing gabbro.
GABBROIC adj. of or like gabbro, also GABBROID, GABBROITIC.
GABBROIDgabbroid adj. (Geology) Resembling gabbro.
GABBROID adj. like gabbro.
GLOBBIERglobbier adj. Comparative form of globby: more globby.
GLOBBY adj. full of globs.
HOBBITRYhobbitry n. The world of hobbits; hobbits collectively.
HOBBITRY n. the lore of hobbits.
KNOBBIERknobbier adj. Comparative form of knobby: more knobby.
KNOBBY adj. full of knobs.
OUTBRIBEoutbribe v. (Transitive) To surpass in bribery.
OUTBRIBE v. to surpass in bribing.
RABBITOHrabbit-oh n. Alternative form of rabbit-o.
RABBITOH n. (Australian slang) an itinerant seller of rabbits for eating, also RABBITO.
RABBITOSrabbitos n. Plural of rabbito.
rabbit-os n. Plural of rabbit-o.
RABBITO n. (Australian slang) an itinerant seller of rabbits for eating, also RABBITOH.
RABBONISrabbonis n. Plural of rabboni.
RABBONI n. (Hebrew) my great master, a title of respect.
RIBBONEDribboned adj. Adorned or ornamented with ribbons.
ribboned v. Simple past tense and past participle of ribbon.
RIBBON v. to decorate with narrow strips of fabric.
RIBBONRYribbonry n. Ribbons collectively.
RIBBONRY n. ribbons collectively.
SLOBBIERslobbier adj. Comparative form of slobby: more slobby.
SLOBBY adj. characteristic of a slob.
SNOBBIERsnobbier adj. Comparative form of snobby: more snobby.
SNOBBY adj. snobbish.
WOBBLIERwobblier adj. Comparative form of wobbly: more wobbly.
WOBBLY adj. unsteady, also WABBLY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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