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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2B, 2E and L

BEARABLEbearable adj. Able to be borne; tolerable; endurable.
bearable adj. Able to be borne or carried; portable.
BEARABLE adj. able to be borne.
BEATABLEbeatable adj. Able to be beaten.
BEATABLE adj. able to be beaten.
BEDABBLEbedabble v. To dabble about or all over with moisture; make something wet by sprinkling or spattering water, paint…
BEDABBLE v. to make wet by dabbling.
BEDDABLEbeddable adj. (Informal) Sexually attractive.
BEDDABLE adj. sexually attractive.
BEJUMBLEbejumble v. (Transitive) To throw into confusion; jumble.
BEJUMBLE v. to mix confusedly.
BENDABLEbendable adj. Able to be bent or flexed or twisted without breaking.
BENDABLE adj. able to be bent.
BITEABLEbiteable adj. Capable of being bitten.
BITEABLE adj. that can be bitten, also BITABLE.
BLEBBIERBLEBBY adj. containing blebs, as, blebby glass.
BLUEBEATbluebeat n. Any of various styles of Jamaican music, popular in the United Kingdom in the 1960s.
BLUEBEAT n. a type of West Indian pop music.
BLUEBELLbluebell n. Various flowering plants with blue, usually pendulous, flowers.
BLUEBELL n. in South England, the wood hyacinth; in Scotland and North England, the harebell.
BOBWHEELBOBWHEEL n. the bob (short line near the end of a stanza) with the lines following it.
OBEYABLEobeyable adj. Capable of being obeyed.
OBEYABLE adj. able to be obeyed.
PEBBLIERpebblier adj. Comparative form of pebbly: more pebbly.
PEBBLY adj. resembling pebbles.
PLEBBIERPLEBBY adj. (colloquial) vulgar, plebeian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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