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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 3B, I and L

BABBLIERBABBLY adj. given to babbling, chattery.
BABBLINGbabbling n. (Uncountable) a stage in child language acquisition, during which an infant appears to be experimenting…
babbling n. (Countable, uncountable) sounds produced by infant during the babbling period.
babbling n. (Countable, uncountable) Idle senseless talk; prattle.
BLABBIERblabbier adj. Comparative form of blabby: more blabby.
BLABBY adj. tending to blab.
BLABBINGblabbing v. Present participle of blab.
blabbing n. Gossip; the telling of tales or of confidences.
BLABBING n. the act of blabbing, taletelling.
BLEBBIERBLEBBY adj. containing blebs, as, blebby glass.
BLEBBINGblebbing v. Present participle of bleb.
BLEBBING n. the forming of a blister.
BLOBBIERblobbier adj. Comparative form of blobby: more blobby.
BLOBBY adj. having blobs, blob-shaped.
BLOBBINGblobbing v. Present participle of blob.
blobbing n. An outdoor recreational activity in which a participant sitting on the end of a partially inflated air…
BLOB v. to form into a globule.
BLUBBINGblubbing v. Present participle of blub.
blubbing n. Crying; whining; blubbering.
BLUB v. to weep.
BOBBLIERbobblier adj. Comparative form of bobbly: more bobbly.
BOBBLY adj. like pilled cloth.
BOBBLINGbobbling v. Present participle of bobble.
BOBBLE v. to bob rapidly.
BRIBABLEbribable adj. Susceptible to bribery.
BRIBABLE adj. able to be bribed.
BUBBLIERbubblier adj. Comparative form of bubbly: more bubbly.
BUBBLY adj. full of bubbles.
BUBBLIESbubblies n. Plural of bubbly.
BUBBLY n. champagne.
BUBBLINGbubbling v. Present participle of bubble.
bubbling n. The action or motion of something that bubbles.
BUBBLE v. to form a globule of liquid blown out with gas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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