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There are 17 seven-letter words containing B, L, 2O and R

BAROLOSBAROLO n. (Italian) a red Italian wine.
BICOLORbicolor adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
bicolor n. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
BICOLOR n. something having two colors, also BICOLOUR.
BLOOMERbloomer n. An ironworker.
bloomer n. (Dated, informal, US) A large or embarrassing mistake; blunder.
bloomer n. A circular loaf of white bread.
BLOOPERblooper n. (Informal) A blunder, an error.
blooper n. (Baseball, slang) A fly ball that is weakly hit just over the infielders.
blooper n. (Film, informal) A filmed or videotaped outtake that has recorded an amusing accident and/or mistake.
BOLEROSboleros n. Plural of bolero.
BOLERO n. (Spanish) a Spanish dance with sudden pauses and sharp turns.
BOODLERboodler n. One, especially a politician, who seeks or receives boodle; a political grafter.
boodler n. (Slang, baseball, dated, 19th century) A person displaying unsportsmanlike behavior.
BOODLER n. someone involved in bribery.
BORNEOLborneol n. (Organic chemistry) A bicyclic organic compound and a terpene, easily oxidized to the ketone yielding camphor.
BORNEOL n. an alcohol used in perfumes, also BORNYL.
BROCOLIbrocoli n. Archaic form of broccoli (“vegetable”).
BROCOLI n. a plant of the cabbage species, resembling the cauliflower, also BROCCOLI.
LOBWORMlobworm n. The lugworm.
lob-worm n. The lugworm, especially when used in angling.
lob␣worm n. Alternative form of lob-worm.
LOOBIERLOOBY adj. clumsy or stupid.
LOWBORNlowborn adj. Alternative spelling of low-born.
low-born adj. Born in a family of low status.
LOWBORN adj. of humble birth.
LOWBROWlowbrow adj. Unsophisticated, not intended for an audience of intelligence, education or culture.
lowbrow n. (Countable) Someone or something of low education or culture.
lowbrow n. (Uncountable, art) An underground populist visual art movement that arose in the Los Angeles area in…
OBLIGORobligor n. (Law, finance) The party bearing a legal obligation to another party (the obligee).
OBLIGOR n. the person who binds himself, or gives his bond to another, also OBLIGER.
OBOLARYobolary adj. (Nonce word) Possessing only small coins; impoverished.
OBOLARY adj. extremely poor.
REBLOOMrebloom v. (Intransitive) To bloom again.
REBLOOM v. to bloom again.
ROBALOSrobalos n. Plural of robalo.
ROBALO n. (Spanish) a kind of marine fish.
TOOLBARtoolbar n. (Graphical user interface) A row of buttons, usually marked with icons, used to activate the functions…
tool-bar n. A frame fitted to a tractor to which interchangeable implements are mounted.
tool␣bar n. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of toolbar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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